L'hôpital Huoshenshan de Wuhan : une chambre modèle pour les futurs hôpitaux de l'Internet des objets ?

According to media reports, the Huoshenshan Hospital with a total construction area of ​​33,900 square meters was officially completed on February 2 and officially admitted patients with pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus on February 3.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelleDTU/Edge Gateway/Plate-forme IoT/Module de passerelle

For Huoshenshan Hospital, due to its heavy workload and high environmental requirements, it also needs to be connected with other hospitals and scientific research institutions. Under this requirement, Huoshenshan Hospital may become a “model room” for future hospital construction.

However, the construction of an Internet of Things hospital cannot be achieved by one company, and it requires the concerted efforts of many companies.

Huawei: Telemedicine

On the evening of January 31, Huawei teamed up with China Telecom to complete the network laying and equipment debugging of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital’s first “remote consultation platform”.

Through this platform, high-quality medical expert resources as far away as Beijing can conduct remote consultations with patients through remote video connections with front-line medical staff from Huoshenshan Hospital. This will further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of case diagnosis and treatment, and alleviate to a certain extent the pain points of tight deployment and overloaded work of frontline medical staff in Wuhan. At the same time, it can also reduce the risk of medical experts from outside Wuhan traveling to Wuhan.

Three major operators: achieving network coverage without blind spots

According to media reports, China Tower and the three major operators have completed the opening of on-site 5G base stations in a very short period of time.

From the perspective of network transmission alone, 5G construction does not seem to be important, but based on the compatibility and other characteristics of 5G, the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital can effectively cover the pain points of multiple devices in a small area.

Tsinghua Unigroup: Ensure data security

The products and equipment provided by Ziguang Group and its subsidiary H3C Group to Huoshenshan Hospital include core switches, aggregation and access switches, wireless networks (wireless control, wireless aggregation, wireless access), security protection (routers, firewalls, behavior management , bastion host, log audit, database audit, access authentication equipment) and many other types.

Guowei Huaxin: purify every particle in the air

In the face of the Wuhan epidemic, Guowei Huaxin did not hesitate to donate 10 products worth nearly 100,000 yuan to the newly built Leishenshan and Huoshenshan hospitals in Wuhan through the Anhui Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Material Support Team.

According to reports, Guowei Huaxin’s products use highly sensitive temperature and humidity sensors to monitor indoor temperature and humidity, and atomize and humidify them through humidification filters. The built-in electrolytic water disinfection and sterilization system with unique technology allows the chlorine ions in the tap water to generate hypochlorous acid in the equipment to sterilize and deodorize the water, and discharge pure and clean air.

Orion Starry Sky: The hospital’s exclusive “courier”

Orion Star Intelligent Delivery Service Robot Bao Xiaodi can perform tasks such as delivering test orders and medicines according to hospital needs. It uses robots to replace simple but labor-intensive process work in the medical care process, reducing the workload of medical staff and avoiding the need for medical care. The possibility of personnel becoming infected on the delivery route.

As the fight against the epidemic progresses, IoT technology and equipment will be more widely used in medical scenarios, allowing medical staff to treat patients more safely and efficiently.

And Huoshenshan Hospital will also become one of the “model rooms” for IoT medical care!


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