Instructions for simple networking using DTU

Industrial DTU products provide a wireless, non-regional restricted data transmission and networking solution for various sensor devices and other terminals that require data transmission. The following article will briefly introduce several common DTU networking methods.

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway ModuleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway Module

1. The process of data collection and transmission

After the DTU is connected to the GPRS/4G network, it makes a TCP/IP connection with the central platform according to the set IP address and port. After the TCP/IP connection is established, data communication can be carried out between the front-end collection device and the central software.

As shown below:

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway ModuleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway Module

(DTU working process diagram)

2. Networking method between DTU and central platform

Depending on whether and how the central platform can access the Internet, DTU and the central platform have the following networking methods:

1. INTTERNET combined with fixed IP address

The central computer can access the INTERNET and has a fixed IP address. In this case, DTU uses the IP address to find the central platform, and the platform can receive the data collected by the front end without running other additional software.

The mobile phone card in DTU needs to activate ordinary GPRS/4G data service. As shown below:

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway ModuleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway Module

(Fixed IP networking method)

Advantages: The system is stable and reliable, and supports the connection of multiple DTUs.

Disadvantages: Fixed IP is a precious and limited resource, and the application fee is relatively high.

2. INTERNET combined with dynamic domain names

The central computer can access the Internet but does not have a fixed IP address. The IP address will change every time the router is powered off and restarted. In this case, you can apply for a dynamic domain name and run the client of the dynamic domain name resolution software on the central computer. The client software sends the dynamic IP address to the domain name resolution server. DTU accesses the name resolution server to obtain the IP corresponding to the dynamic domain name at this time, thereby establishing a connection and conducting data communication.

The mobile phone card in DTU needs to activate ordinary GPRS/4G data service. As shown below:

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway ModuleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway Module

(Dynamic domain name networking method)

Advantages: The cost of applying for a fixed IP address at the center is greatly reduced.

Disadvantages: Part of its stability depends on the stability of a third-party server (domain name resolution server).

Dynamic domain names can be applied for free or paid.

3. Use VPN private network

If the central computer does not have the conditions to access the Internet, or has data confidentiality requirements, you can apply for a VPN private network so that the DTU and the center are in the same private network. The central platform uses a wireless router equipped with a dedicated network card to connect to the private network, and the DTU has a dedicated network card to enable the DTU to connect to the private network. In this way, the central platform and DTU are on the same private network and can carry out data communication.

The router and DTU’s mobile phone card need to activate private network data services. As shown below:

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway ModuleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT Platform/Gateway Module

(VPN private network networking method)

Advantages: convenient networking, stable and reliable system.

Disadvantages: The center increases hardware costs, and applying for a VPN private network also requires fees.


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