Che cos'è un gateway IoT industriale?

Che cos'è un gateway IoT industriale? In un ambiente di Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), i dispositivi smart edge - dagli interruttori di carico e i concentratori di contatori ai sensori, alle telecamere a circuito chiuso, alle unità di monitoraggio del traffico, ai controllori PLC remoti e ad altri dispositivi abilitati all'automazione - sono collegati alle reti operative...

The difference between PLC gateway, industrial router and switch

There are many IoT data transmission devices on the market that can connect industrial equipment and networks to PLCs. Connect the controller to the Internet, set up associated networks, gain remote access or exchange data. Typical terms are used such…

Features of edge computing gateway, edge computing gateway remote PLC

Edge computing gateway is an intelligent device that can run local computing, data caching, message communication and other functions on the device. It also has a name, also called IoT edge computing gateway. And it also has a feature, which…
