In risposta al problema dell'impossibilità di utilizzare il posizionamento satellitare in ambienti chiusi, esistono sul mercato diverse tecnologie di posizionamento per interni. Le più comuni tecnologie di posizionamento wireless per interni includono: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, infrarossi, banda ultralarga, RFID, ZigBee, ecc. Il Bluetooth è un...
Applicazione della tecnologia di rilevamento a fibra ottica distribuita nel monitoraggio geologico delle miniere di carbone
Il carbone è sempre stato la principale fonte di energia in Cina e il monitoraggio geologico delle miniere di carbone è un'importante garanzia per la sicurezza della produzione nelle miniere di carbone. La tecnologia di rilevamento a fibra ottica distribuita presenta i vantaggi di punti di rilevamento continui, alta precisione,...
Il concetto e la classificazione degli amplificatori di segnale a radiofrequenza
The radio frequency signal amplifier (RF PA) is an important part of the transmission system, and its importance is obvious. What is a radio frequency signal amplifier? The following gives us a brief introduction to the concept of RF signal…
Che cos'è il guadagno? Più alto è il guadagno dell'antenna, meglio è?
We have analyzed the factors that affect the antenna transmission distance before. In fact, the antenna gain also has a very large impact on the transmission distance. So, is the higher the antenna gain, the better? Once you understand the…
6 dettagli per migliorare rapidamente la "qualità del layout della scheda PCB".
The layout of components in PCB design is crucial. A correct and reasonable layout not only makes the layout more tidy and beautiful, but also affects the length and quantity of printed wires. A good PCB component layout is extremely…
Cosa sono gli oscillatori a cristalli attivi e gli oscillatori a cristalli passivi? Come distinguerli?
Crystal oscillator is a crystal oscillator. It mainly provides a highly stable time frequency signal for the circuit so that electronic components can work uniformly. How is this achieved? 1. Working principle of crystal oscillator It turns out that the…
Qual è la differenza tra gateway, router e switch?
Gateways, routers, and switches are also devices that connect to the network, but they have different functions and uses. First, let’s understand what gateways, routers, and switches are. gateway Simply put, a gateway is a device that connects two networks.…
What are the performance improvements of Bluetooth 5.0 compared to Bluetooth 4.2?
Bluetooth 5.0 is a Bluetooth technology standard proposed by the Bluetooth Technology Alliance in 2016. Bluetooth 5.0 has corresponding improvements and optimizations for the speed of low-power devices. Bluetooth 5.0 combines wifi to assist indoor positioning, improves transmission speed, and…
What is Bluetooth BLE
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication technology that can complete data exchange between fixed devices and mobile devices. Generally, BR/EDR Bluetooth before Bluetooth 3.0 is called traditional Bluetooth, while Bluetooth BLE under the Bluetooth 4.0 standard is called Bluetooth Low…
What is a wireless communication gateway
What is a wireless communication gateway Wireless communication gateway is a gateway that uses wireless technology for transmission. It is widely used in vehicle monitoring, remote control, telemetry, small wireless networks, wireless meter reading, access control systems, community paging, industrial…
Application development trends of the Internet of Things in the field of intelligent transportation
Among the many IoT innovations tested in cities and regions around the world in recent years, smart transportation systems have moved from pilots to implementation, with promising success. An ambitious project in the Netherlands now relies on hundreds of smart…
7 development trend predictions for the Internet of Things in 2021
Emerging technologies are always developing and adapting at a breakneck pace, and new uses and developments appear with surprising regularity. The Internet of Things may have been around for too long to be classified as a truly emerging technology, but…