The necessity of smart fire protection construction based on the forest fire in Liangshan, Sichuan

Recently, fires have occurred frequently in many places in the north and south of my country. Many forest fires have broken out in North China, Beijing, Shanxi and other places. The thick smoke can be clearly seen in space, causing relatively serious losses. Many fires have also broken out in Yunnan and Sichuan in the south. For example, the recent forest fire in Muli County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan, killed 30 firefighters, which is heartbreaking. According to emergency reports from relevant departments, the fire was caused by a lightning strike.

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Although natural disasters are terrible, “always putting people’s lives and safety first” has always been an important instruction of the Party Central Committee. Today, with the continuous development of science and technology, we should make full use of advanced scientific and technological means to minimize the loss of life and property and prevent tragedies from happening again. Actively promoting the construction of smart fire protection has become an urgent practical need.

What is smart fire protection?

In a broad sense, the specific content of firefighting work includes extinguishing fires, rescuing disasters, inspecting fire safety facilities, and promoting fire safety knowledge. It also participates in rescue work (such as road rescue, ambulance rescue), and serving the people (such as mass suicide). and other unsafe behaviors, eliminate safety hazards), etc. The work is arduous and complicated.

In the traditional sense, a smart fire protection system is an intelligent fire protection wireless alarm network service system that integrates GPS (global positioning system), GIS (geographic information system), GSM (wireless mobile communication system) and modern high-tech technologies such as computers and networks. .

However, with the blessing of new technologies, smart firefighting has been redefined as “using the Internet of Things, big data and other technical means to integrate various elements such as firefighting facilities, socialized firefighting supervision and management, fire fighting and rescue, etc., through Internet of Things information sensing and communication, etc.” The organic link of technology enables real-time, dynamic, interactive and integrated fire information collection, transmission and processing, comprehensively promotes and improves fire supervision and management levels, and enhances command, dispatch, decision-making and disposal capabilities for fire fighting and rescue.”

What is the biggest benefit of smart fire protection?

The biggest benefit brought by smart fire protection is the “automation” of fire prevention and control.

With the support of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data, intelligent fire protection infrastructure, fire early warning platforms, and video surveillance platforms have been built, forming a three-dimensional, full-coverage fire prevention and control system.

This kind of disaster prevention and safety system that integrates multiple intelligences has fundamentally changed the traditional and backward methods of alarming, receiving alarms, and handling polices. It has also realized alarm automation, intelligent alarm receiving, alarm handling planning, management network, and service Specialization and technological modernization have enabled smart prevention and control, smart operations, smart law enforcement and smart management of firefighting work to maximize the safety of people’s lives and property, as well as the safety of police officers.

What requirements does smart fire protection place on technology?

Fundamentally speaking, the goal of fire protection is to build a “firewall” from the city to the home. Especially after the concept of smart fire protection is mentioned, this requires “early prediction, early detection, and early elimination of disasters”. , save early”.

In the overall deployment of smart fire protection, smart cameras are still the core operating carrier of this monitoring system and can play a role in monitoring fire conditions. But for this kind of smart camera, in addition to requiring the camera itself to have rigid standards in terms of storage and other aspects, it must also meet many technical requirements:

● Recognition accuracy

In firefighting work such as road rescue and public services, firefighters also need to confirm the identity information and roadblocks of arsonists, rescuers, objects, etc., which requires cameras to have high recognition accuracy. It should be mentioned that since firefighting work does not distinguish between day and night, this also places higher requirements on the accuracy of the camera – its recognition accuracy remains consistent during the day and night, and the recognition ability must be high. Because the recognition accuracy is directly related to the accuracy of basic data collection, which affects the safe and effective conduct of firefighting work.

In addition, in firefighting work, the recognition accuracy of cameras should also be consistent with, or even higher than, the performance of cameras in smart policing. Because firefighting work is faced with more adverse environmental factors, such as smoke, electricity, etc.

● Monitoring scope

Regarding the capture range, there is no need to talk much about the camera surveillance range in the city. Generally, it is necessary to capture and identify people within a range of 5m long and 40 meters wide.

However, in large-scale fire prevention and control areas such as forests, higher requirements are put forward for the camera’s capture range, which generally requires effective monitoring within 150 meters or even larger. But the cost of this kind of camera is relatively high.

● Water resistance and clarity

Fire prevention is an all-weather work behavior, which puts forward requirements for the hardware capabilities of the camera. It must have good waterproof performance and be able to withstand wind, rain and sunlight exposure.

Of course, in addition to waterproof performance, clarity is also an important capability of the camera. Clarity refers to the clarity of each detailed shadow pattern and its boundary on the image, which affects the identification of the source of the fire and the identity of the arsonist/rescue personnel, etc.

But beyond the deployment of smart cameras. Smoke sensors, automatic fire alarm systems, wireless independent intelligent smoke systems, etc. are also indispensable technical components in fire protection work. The technical requirements for smart fire protection are generally consistent with the standards of smart homes.

What other new technology prospects are there for smart fire protection?

From the perspective of fire prevention and disaster relief alone, human-based rescue methods are still the main force in fire rescue. Although this laborious and time-consuming method can effectively control fires, it often involves life safety issues for rescuers. The forest fire accident in Liangshan, Sichuan is the most typical example.

Forest fire is a natural disaster that is sudden, destructive, and difficult to deal with and rescue. Due to the huge territory involved, firefighting helicopters have become the main tool for forest fire extinguishing. Unfortunately, due to the helicopter’s light weight and low flying height (throwing fire-extinguishing agents too high will affect the coverage effect), when air-dropping fire-extinguishing agents over a fire, it is easily affected by the air vortex generated by the flames, resulting in a crash. Firefighting helicopter pilots also face life-threatening dangers. In this context, the increasingly developed drones may play a lot of roles.

If drones can replace firefighting helicopters and enter the sky above the fire to carry out fire-extinguishing agent delivery and other fire-fighting work, it can also alleviate the problem of casualties of rescuers from another angle. In addition, in addition to fire-fighting work, drones equipped with smart cameras can also conduct safety monitoring of forests at high altitudes. Together with cameras on the ground, they form a three-dimensional forest prevention system, which not only relieves the work pressure of forest guards, but also promotes smart firefighting work. proceeding.

Unfortunately, current drones have problems such as small size, weak carrying capacity, and insufficient batteries. They cannot store water and other related fire extinguishing agents at all. They can only perform high-altitude monitoring of forests. If they want to be involved in fire rescue, they must rely on Development of technology.

In addition to drones, some efforts can also be made in firefighting work clothes. For example, micro smoke and temperature sensors can be placed in firefighting work clothes to remind firefighters of their surrounding environment and trigger alarm reminders in times of crisis.

According to incomplete statistics, since 2000, the number of fire fighters in our country who have died due to work has exceeded 200. Among them, the “8.12 Tianjin Binhai New Area Explosion Accident” caused the death of 24 active public security firefighters, 75 Tianjin Port firefighters, and the loss of 5 Tianjin firefighters. In April 2019, the “brow” first appeared, and more than 30 Chinese firefighters had died.

Today, with the continuous development and advancement of science and technology, retrograde people need to use technology to bring more security while moving forward with heavy burdens. Not only do we need to eliminate disasters, but we also need life!


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