Application of GPRS communication technology in the Internet of Things

As a communication technology, GPRS provides services for realizing telematics in a broad sense. As computers and various smart devices with processing functions are increasingly used in various fields, the application scope of data communications is also expanding.

Gateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gatewayGateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gateway

In the field of Internet of Things, GPRS is an important technical means for mobile devices to achieve network access. According to surveys, 80% of current mobile IoT devices still use GPRS communication modules.

What is GPRS DTU ?

GPRS DTU is an Internet of Things wireless data terminal that uses the operator’s GPRS network to provide users with wireless long-distance data transmission functions. It uses high-performance industrial-grade 8/16/32-bit communication processors and industrial-grade wireless modules, and also provides RS485 /RS232/AI/DI/DO and other interfaces can directly connect to serial devices to achieve transparent data transmission. For example: ZHC2911 of Zongheng Intelligent Control is an industrial-grade GPRS DTU with rich interfaces, supporting TCP/UDP transparent transmission, HTTP two-way communication, automatic data collection, and automatic control switches; it supports WEB remote configuration and FOTA firmware upgrade, which is simple and convenient. Let your device easily connect to the Internet wirelessly.

Gateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gatewayGateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gateway

How GPRS DTU works

After the GPRS DTU is powered on, it first reads out the working parameters saved in the internal FLASH (including GPRS dial-up parameters, serial port baud rate, data center IP address, etc., which have been configured in advance).

Then, the GPRS DTU initiates a TCP or UDP communication request to the data center through parameters such as the data center’s IP address and port number. After getting the response from the center, GPRS DTU considers that the handshake with the center is successful, and then keeps the communication connection existing. If the communication connection is interrupted, GPRS DTU will immediately re-handshake with the center.

For DTU, as long as two-way communication with the data center is established, it is relatively simple to complete the conversion of user serial port data and GPRS network data packets. Once the user’s serial port data is received, DTU immediately encapsulates the serial port data in a TCP/UDP packet and sends it to the data center. On the contrary, when DTU receives the TCP/UDP packet from the data center, it takes out the data content and immediately sends it to the user device through the serial port.

Application scenarios of GPRS DTU

Electric power industry: remote power meter reading, power line monitoring, substation monitoring, distribution network monitoring, etc.

Water conservancy industry: water quality monitoring, reservoir monitoring, reservoir gate remote control, water conservancy dispatching system, water pipe network monitoring, etc.

Agricultural applications: greenhouse remote monitoring and management, aquaculture monitoring and management, agricultural water pump monitoring and management, etc.

Municipal industry: remote monitoring and management of street lights, remote monitoring of pipe networks, urban energy consumption monitoring, etc.

Environmental protection industry: noise monitoring, dust monitoring, pollution source monitoring, atmospheric environment monitoring, etc.

Petroleum industry: gas pipeline network monitoring, oil field automation, remote monitoring of oil and gas wells, etc.

Other industries: elevator remote monitoring, warehouse monitoring and management, gas station data collection, meteorological information collection, industrial energy consumption monitoring, etc.


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