La differenza tra porta seriale e porta parallela

La differenza tra porta seriale e porta parallela

2020-08-13 14:12: 14Zongheng Intelligent Control 6

porta seriale

The serial port is also called a serial port. Compared with the transmission speed of the parallel port, the transmission speed of the serial port is relatively low. Commonly used to connect controllers, security cameras, etc. The serial port is used to link serial lines to achieve serial communication. Common serial communication methods in life, such as serial servers. Serial port data can be transparently transmitted to Ethernet devices. The serial port is usually a 9-pin D-type interface, which we usually call a DB-9 connector. A piece of data can be transferred to the other end. The DB-9 pin connector diagram is as follows.

Gateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gateway

parallel port

The parallel port can also be called a parallel port. Its transmission rate is faster than the serial port. The parallel port can move a group of 8 bits at a time on eight different lines and uses a 25-pin connector. This is why it is similar to serial communication. faster than that. The parallel port is also called the DB-25 connector. Commonly used in computers, hard drives, zip drives, CD-ROM drives, etc. Although the transfer speed is faster, all bit streams of the parallel port need to transfer data at the same speed in parallel communication. If the line is too long, it is impractical to meet this condition, so the transmission line should not be too long. The DB-25 pin connector diagram is shown below.

Gateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gateway

Comparison table of the differences between serial port and parallel port

porta serialeparallel port
In serial port communication, less number of wires are used. In parallel port communication, more number of wires are used compared to serial port.
The serial port is used to implement serial port transmission. The parallel port is used to implement parallel transmission.
Serial ports are capable of passing a single stream of data.The parallel port can pass multiple data streams simultaneously
The transmission speed of a serial port is relatively low compared to the transmission speed of a parallel port. The transmission speed of a parallel port is higher than the transmission speed of a serial port.
Serial ports are commonly implemented in modems, connectivity devices, security cameras, and controllers. Parallel ports are commonly implemented in zip drives, printers, hard drives, CD-ROM drives, etc.
In serial ports, the public ports are involved.When in a parallel port, refers to the mother port
The serial port sends again and again. Parallel ports send multiple bits at a time.

Tag: La differenza tra porta seriale e porta parallela

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