Che cos'è la comunicazione simplex e full-duplex?

Che cos'è la comunicazione simplex e full-duplex?

2020-08-14 10:30:48 Controllo intelligente Zongheng 3

Che cos'è la comunicazione simplex e full-duplex?

Simplex means one direction, and duplex means both parties send and receive at the same time. They can only send and receive in one direction at the same time, but the direction can be changed. It is called half-duplex. If only A can send and B can receive, then simplex, A can send and B can receive, or B can send and A can receive (two directions) It cannot be called half-duplex at the same time. A is sending and B is receiving at the same time, B is sending and A is receiving, which is called full-duplex.

Che cos'è la comunicazione seriale

The concept of serial communications is very simple. The serial port sends and receives bytes bit by bit. Although slower than byte-by-byte parallel communication, a serial port can send data on one wire while receiving data on another wire. It is simple and enables communication over long distances. For example, when IEEE488 defines the parallel communication state, it stipulates that the total length of the equipment line shall not exceed 20 meters, and the length between any two devices shall not exceed 2 meters; for serial ports, the length can be up to 1200 meters. Typically, serial ports are used for the transmission of ASCII characters. Communication is completed using 3 wires, namely ground wire, sending and receiving. Because serial communication is asynchronous, a port can send data on one line while receiving data on another line. The other lines are used for handshaking, but are not required. The most important parameters of serial communication are baud rate, data bits, stop bits and parity. For two ports to communicate, these parameters must match.

what is communication

Communication refers to the exchange and transmission of information between people or between people and nature through certain behaviors or media. In a broad sense, it means that two or more parties who need information use any method and any medium without violating their respective wishes. accurately and securely transmit information from one party to another

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