lora application, application of LoRa technology in various industries

LoRa features and introduction

LoRa is a type of short-distance communication in the Internet of Things. Not all scenarios are suitable for LoRa. So before understanding the applications of LoRa, let’s first talk about some characteristics of LoRa.

◆Transmission distance: up to 2-5 Km in towns and 15 Km in suburbs.

◆Operating frequency: ISM frequency bands include 433, 868, 915 MH, etc.

◆Security: AES128 encryption.

◆Transmission rate: several hundred to tens of Kbps. The lower the rate, the longer the transmission distance. It’s like a person picking things. If you pick more, you won’t go far, but if you pick less, you can go farther.

◆Standard: IEEE 802.15.4g.

◆Modulation method: Based on spread spectrum technology, a variant of linear modulation spread spectrum (CSS), with forward error correction (FEC) capability, semtech company’s private patent technology.

◆Capacity: A LoRa gateway can connect thousands of LoRa nodes.

◆Battery life: up to 10 years.

After reading the above characteristics of LoRa technology, we can know that LoRa communication technology is a communication technology with low power consumption, long distance and flexible networking. It is suitable for some short-distance application scenarios, such as smart farms. In the farm, the collected data can be directly transmitted to the computer in the office without sending it to the cloud. At the same time, LoRa supports point-to-many networking, so this type of application scenario is very suitable for LoRa.

In addition, there are generally no base station signals in mines and mines. Therefore, LoRa is a good choice. You can use LoRa point-to-point method to transmit the data in the well, and then use LoRa 4G networking. Transmit data remotely! Take Zongheng Intelligent Control LoRa RTU as a column as shown in the figure below:

lora application, application of LoRa technology in various industries

The transmission distance of wifi and Bluetooth is very short, only 100-200 meters, so they are generally not considered. These two types of websites are more suitable for smart homes. Let’s talk about a few typical applications below.

LoRa applications

Smart power

This application is a real cooperation case between Zongheng Intelligent Control and a company in Shenzhen. The plan is called “Electricity Remote Meter Reading Solution”. The modified plan is mainly aimed at commercial electricity consumption in buildings, commercial floors and hotels, and the problem of difficult electricity management. . The electricity bureau comes up with its own plans and equips its own equipment for automated management of residential communities. Most commercial buildings have their own electricity management. So manual meter reading is obsolete. Zongheng Intelligent Control and a company in Shenzhen use the company’s LoRa DTU equipment 4G DTU to form a network to transmit electricity meters on multiple floors to a LoRa device, and then connect to the 4G DTU to transmit the data to the cloud. (Some people may ask, why not directly use 4G DTU to transmit? Of course it is because of the cost!)

Agricultural informatization

Agricultural informatization refers to the comprehensive development and application of modern information technology in the agricultural field, allowing it to penetrate into all aspects of agricultural production.

LoRa realizes the interconnection of agricultural nodes, has no communication costs, low power consumption, low cost, long transmission distance and other characteristics, making its large-scale application in agricultural fields a reality. For example, in the monitoring of water quality, carbon dioxide concentration, temperature, humidity, and pests and diseases, the collected equipment information can be transmitted to the control and dispatch center through the LoRa module. Based on real-time data analysis, automatic irrigation, automatic spraying and other measures can be carried out.


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