Application scenarios of GPRS DTU_GPRS DTU usage scenarios

GPRS DTU is an industrial-grade wireless data transmission device that provides users with the function of transparent TCP wireless long-distance data transmission or transparent UDP wireless long-distance data transmission through the mobile GPRS network. The more professional GPRS DTU also provides some extended functions, including: supporting data center domain name resolution, supporting remote parameter configuration/remote firmware upgrade, supporting local serial port firmware upgrade, supporting local logic processing operations, supporting automatic collection and active reporting, etc. These extended functions can enhance the reliability of the wireless transmission module system and facilitate user use and maintenance.

Gateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gatewayGateway DTU/Edge/Piattaforma IoT/Modulo gateway

The following article will introduce which application scenarios are suitable for using GPRS DTU:

1. Only wireless communication environment can be used on site

When the equipment at the data collection site needs to work on the move, or the collection site is in the wild, a wired communication environment cannot be provided. At this time, using a GPRS wireless network may be a good choice, because the coverage rate of the GPRS network is currently very high, and most parts of the country are covered by GPRS signals.

2. The transmission distance of on-site terminals is scattered

Since the GPRS network is a public network covering the whole country, a major advantage of using GPRS to transmit data is that on-site collection points can be spread across the country step by step, and the distance between the data center and on-site collection points is not limited. This very significant advantage of wireless public network communications (including GPRS/CDMA networks, 3G/4G networks, etc.) cannot be achieved by dedicated wireless communication networks (such as data transmission radio stations, WiMax, WLAN, etc.).

3. Appropriate data communication rate

The data communication rate between GPRS DTU and the data center is generally between 10kbps~60kbps. In other words, GPRS DTU can continuously send data to the center at a speed of 10bps~60kbps, and vice versa (supplementary note: the average data communication rate of domestic CDMA networks can reach about 40kbps~90kbps).

4. Appropriate data real-time requirements

The current GPRS network has a data transmission delay in the second range. Most of the time, the average overall delay of GPRS data communication is about 2 seconds. That is to say, the data packet sent from the GPRS DTU side will arrive at the data center roughly after 2 seconds. On the contrary, the data packet from the slave data also arrives at the GPRS DTU roughly 2 seconds later.

In general, the real-time nature of GPRS can meet the requirements of most industry applications. However, for some specific application systems, if the average delay of about 2 seconds cannot be tolerated, then the GPRS communication method may not be suitable (in addition, the transmission delay of the CDMA network is also about 1 second to 2 seconds).

From another perspective, if the system we want to design hopes to transmit data through the GPRS network, then we must consider this delay when designing the communication protocol.


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