The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology and an important development stage in the “information age”. As the name suggests, the Internet of Things is the Internet where things are connected. This…

Detailed explanation of the difference between RTU and PLC_Advantages of RTU

RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) is a remote measurement and control unit device responsible for monitoring and controlling on-site signals and industrial equipment. Compared with traditional programmable controllers (PLCs), RTUs usually have excellent communication capabilities and larger storage capacity, are suitable…

Soluzioni per il trattamento delle acque reflue secondo il modello dell'Internet of Things

Green manufacturing is an important part of the construction of ecological civilization. Industrialization has created huge wealth for society and improved people’s material living standards. At the same time, it has also consumed a large amount of resources, put great…

Stazione di trasmissione dati wireless_trasmissione dati punto-punto/punto-multipunto

Wireless data transmission radio is the abbreviation of digital wireless data transmission radio. Wireless data transmission radio is an early communication method developed in the communication industry and is also a relatively mature wireless communication technology. Data transmission radio is…

terminale di trasmissione dati dtu_DTU modulo di trasmissione wireless

The DTU wireless data transmission terminal series product adopts GPRS/4G/NB-IoT communication technology and utilizes existing network resources to provide users with a device with good anti-interference, powerful functions, simple and easy to use, low operating cost, and Lower cost wireless…

Applicazione della RTU 4G nel controllo del gruppo di pozzi

In recent years, our city’s surface water supply has become increasingly tight and has been polluted to varying degrees, which has seriously affected the city’s economic development and citizens’ lives. With the rapid development of urban construction, the requirements for…

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