Quattro principali vantaggi aziendali dell'Internet industriale delle cose (IIOT)

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) revolution is happening. Smart products and systems are delivering transformative value to manufacturers—from smart mining equipment to precision agriculture, connected food processing machinery, and every sector in between. The rapid growth of the Industrial…

Three major applications of IoT technology in the logistics industry

Internet of Things technology is a comprehensive technology, and its application in the logistics industry has the characteristics of scale, extensiveness, management, and technology. Technology plus traditional logistics becomes smart logistics. Smart logistics refers to the realization of system perception,…

IoT module

The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology and an important development stage in the “information age”. Its English name is: “Internet of things (IoT)”. The booming development of Internet of Things applications…

Learn the difference between Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP protocols in one article

Modbus protocols include ASCII, RTU , TCP, etc., and do not specify the physical layer. This protocol defines the message structure that controllers can understand and use regardless of the network over which they communicate. The standard Modicon controller uses…

Interpretation of the development overview of the two major technology camps of NB-IOT and LoRa

With the continuous development of the Internet of Things and the diversification of application scenarios, the types of terminal devices have become complex and diverse, and traditional wireless communication technology cannot meet the development needs of the Internet of Things.…

Industry 4.0: The Internet of Things will lead the manufacturing industry to achieve manufacturing excellence

After experiencing three major industrial revolutions, the world is on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution. With the wave of the fourth industrial revolution, the new generation of information technology will have a profound impact on traditional manufacturing. From…

Spiegazione dettagliata dell'architettura tecnica del Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)

Le comunicazioni mobili si stanno spostando dalla connessione tra le persone alla connessione tra le persone e le cose, e tra le cose e le cose. L'interconnessione di tutte le cose è una tendenza inevitabile. I requisiti di connessione dell'Internet degli oggetti sono molto...

Chiarimenti: I 10 principali malintesi sul 5G

Mobile communications have profoundly changed people’s lives. In order to cope with the explosive growth of mobile data traffic, massive device connections, and the emerging various new services and application scenarios in the future, the fifth-generation mobile communications (5G) system…

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