La Cina dovrebbe dominare il mercato globale dell'IoT in futuro

China is investing heavily in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to improve productivity and automate manufacturing. A new report from GSMA Intelligence sheds light on the fact that China is poised to lead the global Industrial Internet of Things…

The current industrial Internet of Things faces huge challenges

In recent years, IoT technology has developed rapidly and continuously penetrated into various sub-industries, while bringing changes and innovation opportunities to traditional industries. In the industrial field, communication requirements such as high reliability, always availability, and extremely low latency will…

“Internet of Things Firefighting” opens a new era of smart firefighting

Everyone knows that firefighters have a profound impression of being “retrograde”. Wherever they are, they are usually the scene of fire fighting, flood fighting, emergency rescue, and rescuing people. Everyone has heard of the “Internet of Things”. Although it is…

What exactly is the “M2M” often mentioned in the Internet of Things?

M2M (Machine to Machine) is a machine-to-machine communication technology. In a broad sense, M2M (Man to Machine), the Internet of Things is to connect objects (including machines) together. Obviously, M2M is an important part of the Internet of Things connecting…

Si è tenuto con successo il "Salone dell'industria dell'Internet degli oggetti", un incontro sulla creazione e il piacere dell'imprenditorialità di Tianfu Jingrong.

On the afternoon of November 1, the “Entrepreneurship Tianfu Jingrong Innovation and Enjoyment Meeting” Internet of Things industry salon was jointly hosted by the Tianfu New District Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Center, Hurray Club (Chengdu), Hurray Space, and Huamiao Incubator.…

Quali sono le tre tendenze che guidano il futuro dell'Internet degli oggetti?

Despite years of development, the Internet of Things still faces the challenge of application fragmentation. In the foreseeable future, the Internet of Things will tend to flourish in vertical industries. In addition, there are three trends worthy of attention. 1.…

L'era della lettura intelligente dei contatori sta arrivando: i contatori dell'acqua IoT daranno vita a un mercato più ampio

With the development of science and technology and the continuous progress of society, the traditional water industry has been affected by the strong momentum of the Internet of Things, and coupled with its own many difficulties and pain points, the…

The Agricultural Internet of Things is an inevitable trend for the future development of my country’s agriculture

At present, my country’s agriculture is in the transition period from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The agricultural Internet of Things will play a unique and important role and provide unprecedented opportunities for the development of modern agriculture. The use…

The Internet of Things is changing our world and affecting our work and life

As IoT technologies are integrated into our lives, the way we live, work, and interact with the world is gradually changing. Although we may not realize it, the number of connected devices around us is growing at an exponential rate,…

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