Centro Notizie

Breve descrizione delle funzioni di ciascun livello della pila protocollare Bluetooth.

Generally speaking, we call the implementation code of a certain protocol a protocol stack. The Bluetooth protocol stack is the code that implements the low-power Bluetooth protocol. Understanding and mastering the Bluetooth protocol is a prerequisite for implementing the Bluetooth protocol stack. The Bluetooth protocol

Le acque reflue nucleari del Giappone entrano in mare, come monitorare l'ambiente marino?

On September 12, 2019, Japan’s Environment Minister advocated that Fukushima nuclear wastewater be discharged into the sea Japan postpones decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea on October 24, 2020 Japan’s nuclear wastewater reserves are about to reach their limit on March 4,

Una breve discussione sulla differenza tra la tecnologia PLC e il sistema di controllo a relè

As an execution amplification and expansion component of signal output, the intermediate relay plays an important role in the automatic control system. According to the regulations of the equipment periodic inspection system, necessary inspections and tests should be carried out regularly on the working status

Applicazione della trasmissione dati wireless LoRa nei campi di cotone dello Xinjiang

With the continuous development and maturity of sensors, wireless data transmission equipment, and application solutions, they are also constantly promoting the development of industrial applications, smart homes, smart security, smart transportation, smart environmental protection, smart agriculture and other industries; recently, many foreign apparel companies have
