In risposta all'epidemia di COVID-19, si sta accelerando la costruzione dell'Internet industriale delle cose.

According to relevant research, in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the deployment of the Industrial Internet of Things is accelerating.

According to reports, more than three-quarters (77%) of surveyed organizations now have at least one IoT project deployed. 41% of these were completed within the 12 months from the second quarter of 2020, a period that will go down in history as the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world.

In addition to the deaths and long-term health complications caused by COVID-19, the virus has also brought economic suffering. Supply chains, in particular, were disrupted by the lockdown and have yet to fully recover.

Businesses that adopt Industrial IoT solutions will be less affected than those that are unwilling to embrace digitalization. As research shows, many businesses are scrambling to deploy Industrial IoT solutions in the wake of COVID-19.

84% of respondents said they have accelerated or plan to accelerate IoT adoption in response to COVID-19 challenges.

The rapid growth in IoT deployments over the past few years highlights the tremendous progress the global industry has made in overcoming some of the world’s most challenging forces. Although logical, it is particularly interesting that COVID-19 has further pushed businesses to increase their reliance on Industry 4.0 technologies, particularly the Industrial Internet of Things, to maintain business continuity. Those companies that implement IoT technologies over their competition will be the long-term winners.

While IoT is driving significant improvements in the efficiency, sustainability and security of global supply chains, there are still areas where organizations can make improvements to get the best from the technology. As the world’s production and supply chains become increasingly digital and intertwined, connectivity, data management, skills shortages, security threats and investment levels remain challenges.

However, as many industries are discovering, the skills gap remains a challenge. 37% of respondents consider the lack of in-house skills a concern and 50% require additional cybersecurity skills.

Enterprises plan to invest the largest proportion of their IT budgets in IoT projects over the next five years.

Currently, respondents say that using IoT saves their businesses approximately 9% annually. This is expected to increase to 15% within 12 months, 22% within three years and 30% within five years.

Parole chiave: switch acquisition module


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