IoT artificial intelligence technology promotes manufacturing development

The fourth industrial revolution has given rise to cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. While these emerging technologies are subverting traditional production methods, they also paint a picture of a new manufacturing development model for the future. In recent years, 5G technology, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and other technologies have gradually entered the public eye and become the hottest topics in the industry. However, the application of various emerging technologies generated by the fourth industrial revolution in global manufacturing is still very important. According to relevant statistics, more than 70% of manufacturing companies have not yet made significant progress in this field.

In the current critical period of manufacturing transformation and development, improving factory efficiency, supply chain and business model operations, reducing operating costs, profitability and strengthening human resources will become the common goals of international manufacturers. Commit to achieving your goals. However, to achieve these goals, manufacturers not only need to design and produce, but also need to introduce and apply the innovative technological achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With the outbreak of the global COVID-19 epidemic, the logistics industry has been hit hard, the global supply chain is facing turmoil, and many industries have been forced to suspend production. However, crises are both challenges and opportunities. Amid the current crisis, there are still companies hoping to succeed and gain a foothold in the market.

Faced with the sudden crisis, many companies were forced to reexamine their business and manufacturing strategies. Some international manufacturers have taken the lead in adopting Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and have played an important role in industrial demonstrations. A small number of forward-looking manufacturers have realized the large-scale application of advanced manufacturing technologies, greatly improving the customer experience by improving the efficiency of factory operations and the efficiency of the entire supply chain. Among the technologies adopted by these international manufacturers, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and industrial Internet of Things have received the most attention. They are rapidly changing the manufacturing landscape and are expected to be a source of corporate investment. Artificial intelligence makes machines smarter by programming them to replicate human thinking and simulate human behavior.

artificial intelligence technology

AI technology is supported by a wealth of external and internal data, including suppliers, customers, trend forecasters, demographic sources and broader economic indicators. Powered by this variable data, manufacturers can respond to changing conditions more effectively. Market conditions and external disruptions.

At present, the application fields of artificial intelligence have expanded to agriculture, communications, medical care, transportation, aviation, finance and other fields. In our country, artificial intelligence has entered a new stage of rapid development and has achieved important results in many fields. In terms of key technologies, the country’s machine translation, autonomous driving, and intelligent robots keep up with the global forefront, and the development of face and speech recognition has reached the world’s leading level. At the same time, based on the data perception capabilities of the Internet of Things and the intelligent computing capabilities from the cloud to the terminal, domestic artificial intelligence is developing in smart medical care, smart cities, smart logistics, smart transportation, and environmental protection. It is also gradually penetrating from Internet applications to the real economy and people’s livelihood.Ethernet controller


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