Zes belangrijke vragen en antwoorden over slimme landbouw IoT-oplossingen

Smart agricultural IoT is an advanced stage of modern agriculture development and an important goal that modern agriculture hopes to achieve. The realization of smart agricultural IoT can help agricultural production achieve precise planting/breeding, visual management, real-time analysis and intelligent…

Leer meer over de "slimme" reeks toepassingen onder het internet der dingen

At present, big data has penetrated into all walks of life, and there are many scenarios where production services, work and life, and basic necessities of life are digitized. The Internet of Things has been widely used in fields such…

Forecast of development trends of the Internet of Things industry in 2019

Internet of Things technology is a cutting-edge technology in the field of computer science, and its emergence will set off a new technological revolution. The purpose of the Internet of Things is to realize the interconnection of all things to…

Interpret the four major future trends of low-power wide area networks (LPWAN)

Although low-power wide-area networks have decades of development history, they have only entered people’s horizons for about three years. In these three years, the industry has experienced many ups and downs, from a hundred schools of thought contending to the…

Industry 4.0 – driven by the Internet and the Internet of Things in both directions

Backward human labor can no longer meet the needs of modern manufacturing. Some developed countries have long begun to invest in automation technology to improve productivity. As a result, in recent decades, with the informatization, digitization, and networking of various…

Analyse van de voor- en nadelen van drie gangbare IoT-communicatietechnologieën

The Internet of Things is the combination of all current communication technologies with computers and the Internet. The Internet of Things mainly realizes interconnection and communication between things, between people and things, and between animals and things, as well as…

Interpretatie van de drie populaire gebieden van slimme steden

Smart cities use information and communication technology to sense, analyze, and integrate key information of the city’s core systems to make intelligent responses to various needs including people’s livelihood, environmental protection, public safety, urban services, and industrial and commercial activities.…

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