Edge Computing + High Performance Computing

Edge Computing + High Performance Computing

High-performance computers with ultra-high computing performance are widely used in various fields of the national economy, in response to major challenging problems, to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and to improve people’s living standards. High-performance computing cloud…
Campus Energy Information Management

What‘s The Difference Between 5G and 4G Edge Gateway?

With the development of mobile communication technology, people’s production life is slowly changing. 1G and 2G gradually start, 3G realises multimedia information transmission, 4G provides higher data transmission speed and lower latency, supporting more application scenarios, such as HD video,…
PLC-gegevensverwerving voor voorkrimp- en vormmachines

PLC-gegevensverwerving voor voorkrimp- en vormmachines

Achtergrond industrie Met de golf van technologie die alle lagen van de bevolking overspoelt, maakt de traditionele textielindustrie een grondige verandering door onder leiding van intelligente technologie. In deze arbeidsintensieve traditionele industrie zijn efficiëntie en kwaliteit de kernwaarden geworden die...

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