Het agrarische internet van dingen is een onvermijdelijke trend voor de toekomstige ontwikkeling van de landbouw in mijn land

At present, my country’s agriculture is in the transition period from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The agricultural Internet of Things will play a unique and important role and provide unprecedented opportunities for the development of modern agriculture. The use of intelligent information management technology to develop modern agriculture has become one of the hot spots in agricultural development in various developed countries today.

Development status of agricultural Internet of Things:

The “Agricultural Internet of Things Regional Pilot Project Work Plan” issued by the Ministry of Agriculture clearly states that the implementation of the regional pilot project will explore the theoretical research, system integration, key areas, development models and promotion paths of the agricultural Internet of Things, and improve the theory of the agricultural Internet of Things. and application level, it is of great significance to promote the transformation of agricultural production methods and increase farmers’ income. It is explained in depth that Internet of Things technology can improve agricultural production efficiency, increase the added value of agricultural products, and achieve increased agricultural production and income.

In developed countries, smart agriculture has entered into the processing of knowledge, the development of automatic control and the application of network technology, penetrating into all aspects of agriculture. According to reports, foreign countries use Internet of Things related technologies and use a large number of wireless sensors in greenhouse production to manage, regulate temperature and humidity, nutrient solution supply, pH value (hydrogen ion concentration index), EC value (soluble salt content), etc., making facility vegetable cultivation conditions reach optimal levels.

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-platform/Gateway-moduleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-platform/Gateway-module

With the help of Internet of Things technology and cloud computing technology, a smart agriculture remote hosting center is established on the remote support and service platform to realize remote cultivation guidance, remote fault diagnosis, remote information monitoring, remote equipment maintenance, etc.; integrating plant growth information and biotechnology, Combining food safety technology to solve the safety problems of agricultural products from all aspects of planting; making full use of advanced RFID, Internet of Things, cloud computing and other technologies to achieve agricultural production monitoring management and product safety traceability. At present, this technology has not only reached the international advanced level, but has also been promoted to the national market and is widely used in modern agricultural parks, large farms, agricultural professional cooperatives, etc. It is deeply recognized by users and has achieved good results.

Agricultural Internet of Things, that is, in the greenhouse control system, the temperature sensor, humidity sensor, Ph value sensor, light sensor, CO2 sensor and other equipment of the Internet of Things system are used to detect the temperature, relative humidity, Ph value, light intensity, soil in the environment Physical parameters such as nutrients and CO2 concentration are displayed in real time through various instruments or used as automatic control parameters to participate in automatic control to ensure a good and suitable growth environment for crops. The realization of remote control allows planting personnel to monitor and control the environment of multiple greenhouses in the office. Using wireless networks to measure and obtain suitable conditions for crop growth can provide scientific basis for precise greenhouse control to increase production, improve quality, adjust the growth cycle, and improve economic benefits.

The planting industry is inseparable from watering, fertilizing, and spraying pesticides. Farmers farm by experience and feeling. They work in the fields with their faces facing the loess and their backs to the sky, and pass these experiences and methods from generation to generation. However, should fruits and vegetables now? When it comes to watering, fertilizing, and spraying pesticides, how can we maintain accurate concentrations, temperature, humidity, light, and CO2 concentrations, and how can we implement on-demand supply? In the past, these problems that were “fuzzy” handled based on experience and feeling during different growth cycles of crops have begun to be “accurately” checked in real-time and quantitatively in the face of the agricultural Internet of Things. The emergence of the “farming” model created by the Internet of Things has become a new agricultural model that breaks the shortcomings of traditional agriculture. This smart storm opened up by IoT technology enables agriculture to achieve the goals of “measurable environment, controllable production, and traceable quality.” Ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and lead the development of modern agriculture.

Three major systems of agricultural Internet of Things:

1. The agricultural expert intelligent system is guided by the development and utilization of intelligent expert systems, which analyze and judge climate, soil, water quality and other environmental data, systematically plan the distribution of the park, rationally select agricultural varieties, and scientifically guide ecological crop rotation.

2. The agricultural production IoT control system is based on the Internet of Things technology and uses various wireless sensors to collect real-time parameters such as light, temperature, humidity and other information at the agricultural production site as well as the growth status of agricultural products to remotely monitor the production environment. After the collected parameters and information are digitally transformed, the real-time transmission network platform is used for summary and integration, and the intelligent system of agricultural experts is used to perform timing, quantitative, and positioning cloud computing processing in accordance with various indicator requirements for the growth of agricultural products, and remote control of designated agricultural equipment is timely and accurate. Automatically turn on or off to realize intelligent and automated agricultural production process.

3. The organic agricultural product safety traceability system builds an organic agricultural product safety traceability system by adding RFID electronic tags to the agricultural products themselves or shipping packages during the production process, and continuously adding and updating information during transportation, warehousing, sales and other links. The organic agricultural product safety traceability system strengthens the data sharing and transparent management of the entire process of agricultural production, processing, transportation and sales, realizes the traceability of agricultural products throughout the process, improves the management efficiency of agricultural production, promotes the brand building of agricultural products, and enhances the quality of agricultural products. added value.

DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-platform/Gateway-moduleDTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-platform/Gateway-module

Future development trends of agricultural Internet of Things:

In future agricultural production, agricultural Internet of Things systems will be more widely used. Farmers have seen the benefits brought by the use of advanced technology and will actively choose intelligent systems suitable for their own agricultural production to increase agricultural product output and increase profits. Data processing systems are more accurate and intelligent. In future agricultural data processing, as cloud computing technology continues to mature, agricultural data will become more accurate, secure, and intelligent. The agricultural data processing system will actively analyze the varieties most suitable for local planting and the advantages and disadvantages of various varieties for farmers to choose.

In order to plan agricultural development in the context of globalization in the future, we must speed up the analysis, prediction and release of agricultural information to enhance our voice in the international market. While safeguarding the core interests of our country’s agriculture, we must continue to make new contributions to world food security.


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