Why is it said that 4G changes life and 5G changes society?

The development of communication and information technology has led the economic and social development in the past 30 years and has become the most important factor affecting social life. Whether it is the convenience of communication in the era of voice calls in the past, or the convenience of information exchange in the era of mobile Internet starting from 3G. It is undeniable that communication and information technology is accelerating to change life and society.

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How does 4G change life?

If 1G has changed the way humans communicate, 2G has shortened the distance between ordinary people, and 3G has allowed users to access the Internet at any time, then 4G has truly entered the mobile Internet era. 4G changes life, and you can feel it from the daily handling of various public and private affairs. Our life rhythm and work efficiency have been rapidly improved as a whole, and it has penetrated into every aspect at all times! In the era of mobile Internet, communication is no longer pure voice, but also involves videos and images; consumers can not only compare and shop online at any time, but also fully participate in production, making the products universal and customizable. sex. And with the rise of the O2O concept, consumers can not only go shopping in physical stores, but also make appointments and then engage in experiential shopping through online channels such as PCs, mobile phones, and PADs. Consumers have more and more channel model choices, and they can basically realize their shopping needs anytime, anywhere and as they please. All this is based on the rapid development of mobile Internet technology. Of course, this includes the widespread popularization of hardware devices, comprehensive coverage of wireless networks, and the maturity of mobile payment technology.

At present, most of the Internet giants represented by BATJ and others focus on the consumer Internet industry, that is, they mainly provide services such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment, shopping, and travel. This is also the main reason why we position 4G as a life-changing technology. In fact, whether it is domestic or foreign, the current mobile Internet applications are mainly to serve ordinary users, that is, mainly on the C-side as people in the TMT industry use professional terms. Although some industries have begun to shift towards B-end users, it has not yet become mainstream. However, these companies that are targeting the B-side and transforming to the B-side may become cutting-edge and stars in the future. The extent to which “Internet +” can change society in the future still requires the development and maturity of technologies such as 5G + AI. Operators have now begun preparations for 5G network testing and deployment.

How will 5G change society?

You may already be familiar with the slogan that 5G will change society. But how 5G will change society may not be very clear to everyone. Today we will start with the basic scenario of popularizing 5G, so that if you encounter it in the future, you may be able to judge whether it is a 5G application. When the International Telecommunications Standards Organization defined 5G standards, it no longer just defined network speeds like the past 3G/4G standards, but also proposed three major application scenarios for 5G. The 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) organization responsible for planning 5G has defined three major 5G scenarios: eMBB, mMTC and URLLC. Among them: eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband, enhanced mobile broadband scenario), which is a high-traffic mobile broadband scenario, is suitable for 3D high-definition video, AR/VR, etc. This is also a 5G application that ordinary consumers understand. mMTC (massive Machine Type Communications, large-scale IoT scenario), this actually opens up a new application scenario, such as smart homes, smart enterprises, smart cities, etc. URLLC (Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications, high-reliability and low-latency scenarios) will also open up a huge market, such as driverless driving, industrial automation, etc.

If the 4G era pays more attention to people’s daily lives, then 5G definitely pays more attention to production. In the future, all content based on industrial production and social life will be changed by the technological revolution brought by 5G. Various smart applications, smart life, and smart manufacturing will be ubiquitous and ubiquitous. The popularization of 5G will promote the comprehensive mobility, digitalization and intelligence of the entire country and society, thereby helping the country occupy a leading position in global technological competition. The reason why communication equipment manufacturers, including Huawei, have not been suppressed by Western countries led by the United States in the 4G era is that 4G is more about a change in lifestyle. But 5G is very different. 5G will change society’s production methods just like the steam revolution and electrical revolution. The mode of production brings not only a change in lifestyle, but also a change in production mode and efficiency. It can be said that Britain once relied on the steam revolution to become the “empire on which the sun never sets”; the United States relied on the electrical revolution to quickly become a world-class country. In the future, the changes that 5G will bring to society will not only be reflected in production methods, but may also be reflected in changes in international status. This is why the United States, which lacks communication equipment manufacturers, spares no effort to suppress domestic ZTE and Huawei. The ultimate goal of the United States must include maintaining its leading position in the world, including of course its global leadership in the 5G field.

Where has the battle for global leadership in 5G strategy reached?

In December 2017, the 3GPP organization officially completed and released the 5G Non-Standalone (NSA) standard; in June 2018, the 3GPP 5G Standalone (SA) standard was also announced, marking the first truly complete international standard. The 5G standard has been officially released, and 5G has entered the stage of formal commercial use. The all-round penetration of 5G into social life, industrial production and international status will inevitably bring huge economic and political benefits. From the initial competition between China, the United States and Europe when the 5G standard was formulated, to the current economic developed countries led by the United States suppressing communication equipment manufacturers such as Huawei, it can be said that it is precisely because they see the huge political value, social value and commercial value of 5G. Value, countries around the world are scrambling to seize the first-mover advantage and global leadership of 5G.

To a certain extent, if 5G is one step ahead, it is likely to achieve a leading position in the global technology industry. As the United States and South Korea and other countries begin 5G commercial trials and commerce, and Finland launches the world’s first 5G package, China has also accelerated the pace of 5G construction and deployment. Earlier this month, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G mid- and low-band test licenses to the three major operators. On December 15, news media reported that China Mobile, together with ZTE and other manufacturers, successfully completed a 5G mid- and low-band data connection test based on 2.6GHz. Moreover, domestic operators including China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom have announced their own 5G network construction and terminal development plans, and have begun to make full efforts to sprint towards 5G commercial use. Domestic communication equipment manufacturers such as Huawei have continued to increase investment in 5G standard formulation and patent development. According to data published on the Internet, Huawei’s share of 5G Polar code patents exceeds 49%, and it is in an absolute leading position. And relevant data also shows that in terms of the entire 5G core patent technology, Huawei holds 61 5G standard patents, accounting for 22.9% of the world, ranking first.

The track without a start has been paved. As a universal technology that is about to change all aspects of society, the influence of 5G will inevitably exceed what everyone once understood purely from the perspective of network speed and traffic. Of course, 5G is approaching. As for which aspects of social life 5G has changed, it is necessary for everyone to pay attention to various changes from now on.


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