The difference between edge computing and cloud computing

The difference between edge computing and cloud computing

2020-06-04 09:50:56 Azir 27

I believe most people are familiar with edge computing and cloud computing. They seem to be the same, but in fact, there are big differences. So this article will help you understand the difference between edge computing and cloud computing . First of all, we need to understand its concept, so let’s first understand the concept of edge computing.

The concept of edge computing : Edge computing is an open platform that integrates core capabilities such as connection, computing, storage, control and application at edge nodes close to terminal devices or data sources to meet users’ real-time, intelligence, data aggregation and security needs. The collected data is calculated and processed in the local gateway, and then uploaded to the cloud server.

Cloud computing concept: Cloud computing here needs to be understood in this way, which is to collect sensor data from the terminal, transmit it to the cloud server, and then calculate and process it through the cloud server, and present and display the data in front of the user.

Let’s use an example to illustrate. When a person accidentally touches a fire, he will subconsciously retract his hand, and then he will feel some pain when he touches the fire. This action of retracting his hand is caused by the central nervous system of the spinal cord. out response. The feeling of pain when touching fire is the response of the brain. If there is no central nervous system in the spinal cord to respond first for the brain.

Then we will feel the pain first, and then retract our hand. At this time, the hand may be burnt. So here, we compare edge computing to the central nervous system of the spinal cord, and cloud computing to the brain.

In the past, data from terminal devices had to be transmitted to the server for processing through the gateway. With edge computing, the local gateway provides computing power, data storage and some warning responses. Reduce latency and improve reliability. The above is about the difference between edge computing and cloud computing . hope it helps you!


Cloud computing transfers the data collected by the terminal to the cloud server for processing. Edge computing transfers the data collected by the terminal to the local dispositivo de gateway for direct processing, and then uploads it to the cloud.


The concept of edge has been mentioned above. Now that we understand the concept, let’s get to the real stuff, which is products such as edge computing gateways, such as Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control’s – [Multi-interface Wireless Gateway], (which can also be referred to as industrial 4G router) . On the interface, it provides 1 channel RS485/232, 2DI, 1AI, 1DO, and 1LAN, which greatly meets different application scenarios.

At the same time, it also supports functions such as local logical operations, active collection and reporting, and wet and dry node IO detection. The device processes some data locally and then uploads it to the cloud, thereby improving data processing efficiency and reducing the pressure on the server. This is the meaning of the existence of edge computing gateways.


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