Relé IoT

Relé IoT

A series of IoT relays developed by Zongheng Intelligent Control include network relays with network transmission and extended interface network relays, which are commonly used for automatic control, automatic switching, automatic adjustment, conversion, etc. Most of Zongheng Intelligent Control’s network relays support wet and dry node detection, local logic operations, multi-channel sockets, and are compatible with Modbus RTP/TCP protocols.

Provides a variety of network types for users to choose from, including 4G full network, GPRS network, Ethernet, and LoRa network. Our company’s products take “remote control” as the core function and are highly easy to use. Users can easily and quickly integrate them into their own systems.

With network type network relay

4G full network series

4G network relay-ZHC492C

Interface type: 4DI/4DO/4AI/1RS485

Protocol support: Modbous TCP/RTU, MQTT, JSON

4G network relay-ZHC492CG

Interface type: 4DI/4DO/4AI/1RS485

Protocol support: Modbous TCP/RTU, MQTT, JSON

4G network relay-ZHC493C

Interface type: 2DI/1DO/1AI/1RS485

Protocol support: Modbous TCP/RTU, MQTT, JSON

4G network relay-ZHC4931

Interface type: 1RS485/232/2DI/1DO/1AI

Protocol support: TCP/IP, Modbous

4G network relay-ZHC4921

Interface type: 4DI/4DO/4AI/1RS485

Protocol support: TCP/IP, Modbous

4G network relay-ZHC4922

Interface type: 4DI/4DO/4AI/1RS485

Protocol support: MQTT, TCP/IP, etc.

4G network relay-ZHC4941

Interface type: 8DO/8DI/8AI/485/232

Protocol support: TCP/IP, Modbous

GPRS network series

GPRS network relay-ZHC2931

Interface type: RS485/RS232/2DI/DO/AI

Protocol support: TCP/IP, Modbous

GPRS network relay-ZHC2921

Interface type: RS485/4DO/4DI/4AI

Protocol support: HTTP/TCP/UDP

Ethernet network series

Ethernet relay-ZHC1921

Interface type: RS485/4DI/2PIN/4DO/4AI

Protocol support: MQTT, Modbous

Ethernet network relay-ZHC1931

Interface type: RS485/RS232/2DI/1DO/1AI

Protocol support: Modbus RTU/TCP

LoRa network relay

LoRa network relay-ZHC0561

Interface type: 1RS485/4DI/2DO

Protocol support: Modbus


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