Challenges facing the Internet of Things

With the continuous development of wireless communication technology, the Internet of Things, as a major component, has attracted attention from all walks of life. This article mainly studies the development status of the Internet of Things in the wide-area wireless communication environment, and then analyze some of the challenges faced by the Internet of Things from the perspective of national and industry standards, technology research and development trends, operator transformation, and the needs of the entire society. challenge. And in view of the current problems, some constructive suggestions are put forward, hoping to provide theoretical reference for future engineering applications in the communications industry, and also provide reference for theoretical research in related fields.

In recent years, with the continuous development of the fifth generation mobile communication technology (ffth generation, 5G), the research on the Internet of Things has naturally received a lot of attention. In reality, the Internet of Things actually refers to the interconnected network between objects. The Internet of Things mainly contains two levels of meaning. Among other things, the core and basic part of the Internet of Things is mainly the Internet. In other words,

The Internet of Things is an extended network based on the Internet; secondly, the client is extended to any object, so that wireless communication can be easily achieved between objects. As early as the 1980s, the famous American scientist McKinsey defined the entire Internet of Things as “digitizing the physical world.” In other words, the Internet of Things can be understood as an important part of information technology in the new era and an important development stage in the “information age”. In the following research of this article , we will mainly study the challenges of wide-area wireless communication in 5G mobile communications to the Internet of Things, and then explore some of the problems currently faced by the Internet of Things in the development process, and then proceed from multiple perspectives. , put forward some constructive suggestions, hoping to provide constructive suggestions to promote the future development of the Internet of Things in my country, and also pave the way for theoretical research in related fields.

2. Challenges faced by the Internet of Things

1. Security and privacy. As far as reality is concerned, the main reason why the Internet of Things cannot develop to an ideal level today is because it cannot handle security and privacy issues well. In the era of the Internet of Things, users can completely change their past life patterns. On the contrary, they can transfer all their daily life to artificial intelligence systems for processing, thereby optimizing users’ lives to a great extent. In this case, they can turn more of their energy into the research and development of new science and technology. For example, if there are hidden dangers in the security of our IoT network, it is likely to cause chaos in the entire society. If the situation is serious, it will threaten the life safety of personnel. Therefore , it is urgent to strengthen the security protection of the Internet of Things, which has very important practical significance for the entire Internet of Things network.

2. Cost. The Internet of Things is actually designed to connect and manage objects. In this case, the overall development of the Internet of Things must be connected with economic progress. As early as the initial stage of the development of the Internet of Things , because the reading and writing equipment was very expensive, and the electronic tags were also expensive, the price and cost of the Internet of Things were very high, which to some extent hindered the large-scale development of the Internet of Things. develop. For example, the Internet of Things itself needs to have tens of billions of nodes. At the same time, corresponding infrastructure should also be built. In this case, both the initial investment in the Internet of Things and the future development will bring great benefits . degree of challenge.

3. Return on investment. As far as the current number of IoT devices in my country is concerned, it itself cannot well meet the progress of innovative business development models in the future. It can be seen from this that the number of hardware devices for the Internet of Things in my country will continue to develop. Considering that the initial investment is too large, it is difficult for us to see returns in a short period of time. Based on past research, it can be seen that only when the Internet develops to a certain stage can it achieve large-scale economic benefits.

4. Concerns about system complexity. The Internet of Things is actually based on each node, and is realized through network platforms and hardware systems; at the same time, the Internet of Things also needs to be connected to designated industries, and the system’s robustness , safety factor, and ease of use Problems such as sex, complexity, etc. all show geometric growth.

5. System-standard. As far as the reality is concerned, whether in Western developed countries or in our country, the Internet of Things has a very core structural framework. However, due to the immature technology level in our country, the technical interfaces and routing protocols of each layer are very irregular. If you compare the architecture of the Internet of Things with the basic work of the Internet, you can find that it lacks standardized network indicators. However, this poses a great challenge to the development of the entire Internet of Things.

in conclusion:

In summary: Due to the continuous development of 5G mobile communications, IoT technology is gradually developing in the direction of intelligence, which will promote the progress of Internet technology to a large extent. The application development prospects of computer network technology are getting better and better , so it has attracted more and more people’s attention. However, during the development process of the Internet of Things, security and privacy, investment costs, return on investment, system

concerns about system complexity, as well as multiple challenges such as unified standards. At the same time, users have put forward more stringent requirements for the Internet. At this time, we should continuously improve the level of science and technology to ensure the safe and stable operation of computer networks. This article mainly focuses on the problems existing in the current development process of the Internet of Things and puts forward some constructive suggestions. It is hoped that it can provide theoretical reference for future engineering applications in the communication industry and also provide reference for theoretical research in related fields.

Palavras-chave deste artigo: Gateway de computação periférica


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