A brief analysis of why IoT device management is important

With the rise of IoT, the demand for IoT device management will reach its peak. IoT devices will shorten the gap between the digital and physical worlds and welcome people into a fully automated world where devices will interact with each other, share data, and perform tasks assigned by humans.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo GatewayDTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo Gateway

By 2025, the number of connected devices will reach approximately 74.5 billion. The foundation of every IoT device is data, and as the number of IoT devices increases, so does the potential for data breaches.

Why is IoT device management important? Here’s why:

    • Data Feedback: With so many devices connected on the network, the need for effective data feedback is extremely important. Better device lifecycle management is needed to collect complete data related to the performance of each device.
    • Scalability: Another challenge that IoT will face is the management of large numbers of devices. IoT device management will ensure that all devices connected via the network operate smoothly.
    • Interoperability: Different IoT devices in an IT network will have different communication protocols. Interoperability will be one of the biggest challenges facing IoT devices. Therefore, IoT device management platforms must support proper functioning across heterogeneous devices.
    • Security: Hackers often target end devices to gain access to central control systems. Since IoT devices are interconnected with the main network and can easily be hacked, the security of these connected devices needs to be enhanced.
    • Authentication: Every device on the network should be authenticated. Following this process ensures that only secure devices can connect to the network, reducing the chance of being hacked.
    • Software upgrades and fixes: Every device requires software upgrades to function properly. Additionally, if something goes wrong with the device, it needs to be fixed immediately or security will be compromised. (Source: IoT Home Network) Platforms like Cloud Management Suite make vulnerability detection easier and provide automatic software upgrades to manage all devices inside and outside the network.


The future of the Internet of Things is fascinating, with billions of devices connected in a network just like today’s desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. As long as device security and IoT device management are taken seriously, the interaction between devices will make our lives easier and more enjoyable.


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