Análise das principais tecnologias de IoT para IoT

Preface: Analyzing the current status of the rapidly developing Internet of Things technology, in view of the explosive big data growth brought about by the Internet and the Internet of Things everywhere, combined with the widespread application of artificial intelligence technology, the concept of the Internet of Things based on artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things is proposed, and the The basic connotation and application space of The results show that the Internet of Things will have a more profound impact on society than the Internet of Things.

The Internet of Things is considered the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution and is understood to be an important industry after the Internet era. The Dartmouth Institute originally defined artificial intelligence in 1956 as the technology to develop and expand the intelligence of machines and sensors.Nowadays, there are more and more sensor devices, and the data is getting larger and larger. Artificial intelligence technology has

With great development, big data has gradually entered people’s lives. Combining traditional Internet of Things technology with artificial intelligence will form an Internet of Things technology with artificial intelligence. Coupled with the application of big data cloud computing, an Internet of Things technology with intelligence and information processing capabilities will be formed, that is, the Internet of Things technology… .

1. The foundation of IoT is the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things technology is based on the Internet of Things technology. The difference is that the data collected by the sensors are processed by artificial intelligence, and the amount of data is larger.

The technology is more complex, the algorithms are more advanced, and the networking methods are more flexible.

1.1 Concept of traditional Internet of Things

The traditional Internet of Things refers to the interconnection and integration of information space and physical space, which realizes the connection between people and things, and things and things, and realizes remote monitoring, positioning control, identification and communication of things. The Internet of Things also refers to the connection between things and things, and the connection between things and people. The current Internet can already connect terminals to actual items, and enable information communication between items, forming a network space where people and things, and things and things, are connected to achieve remote control of things.

1.2 Architecture of traditional Internet of Things system

The architecture of the traditional Internet of Things is generally divided into three levels: the first level

It is the perceptual data layer, the second layer is the network layer, and the third layer is the application

layer. Among them, the perception layer, network layer and application layer usually do not have the concept of intelligence. The three layers constitute the basic architecture of the Internet of Things system that usually does not have intelligence.

(1) Perceptual data layer

The sensing data layer allows terminal sensing nodes such as machines to obtain information, and then transmits the obtained information. The sensing data layer is the core bottom layer of the Internet of Things. The data sensed anytime and anywhere from the sensing nodes are sorted and sent to the transport layer.

(2)Data transmission layer

The data transmission layer will transmit the sensing data. The transmission can be through wired or wireless methods, and can be through a local area network or the Internet. At the same time, the data transmission layer must also ensure the accuracy and stability of the transmission so that the data application layer can obtain as real-time and accurate data as possible. Stable and accurate data transmission.

(3)Data application layer

The data application layer collects, analyzes and processes sensory data, organically connects people and things, and things and things, so as to serve mankind. The data application layer can be divided into control applications, query applications, and monitoring applications based on service types. Here, the perceptual data layer and data application layer do not or only do a small amount of processing on the data, and there is no concept of artificial intelligence analysis and processing. Therefore, the ability to process the collected data and mine and apply information resources is also limited.

1.3 Key technologies of traditional Internet of Things

The traditional Internet of Things has not yet formed a relatively consistent technical standard. Currently, the main technologies involved include sensor detection technology, control technology, and wireless transmission technology.

Sense network, IPV6, etc.

(1)IPV6 technology

IPV6 is proposed on the basis that the resources of IPV4 have become less and less. The increase in the number of IoT sensors has led to insufficient address allocation. The introduction of IPV6 can make up for the shortage of IPv4 addresses, allowing IoT terminals to be assigned their own IP addresses. At the same time, IPV6 technology is more secure. The transmission information of IPV6 is end-to-end data encryption. The number of supported subnets is increased, which greatly alleviates the shortage of IPV4 subnet nodes. Not only that, the improvement in transmission quality and speed of IPV6 provides support for IoT applications.

(2) Wireless sensor network

Although wired methods can be used to connect sensors to the Internet of Things, many sensors are distributed in scenarios where wiring is not suitable. Therefore, the Internet of Things widely uses wireless sensors to connect to the network. This requires wireless sensors for the Internet of Things to not only have low energy consumption, The cost is low, and basic requirements such as node peering and stable connections are required.

(3) Radio frequency identification technology

Sensors connected wirelessly often use radio frequency identification technology to transfer information without contact, and at the same time, the transferred information can be analyzed and identified. After the rise of radio frequency identification technology, it has been widely used in stores, transportation and other industries.

(4) Sensor technology

The main function of the sensor is to collect and transmit information from monitoring points, and is the information source of the Internet of Things. It effectively connects the inside and outside of the Internet of Things. Nowadays, sensors are gradually developing in the direction of intelligence, and various sensors with artificial intelligence characteristics are gradually being applied, making the Internet of Things gradually develop into a smart Internet of Things.

2. Concept and technical application of Wuhui Network

Applications of the Internet of Things that lack artificial intelligence are facing more and more challenges, such as pattern recognition for unmanned vehicles, face recognition for identity verification, and drone applications. In these applications, the amount of data collected by sensors is large, and the information processing technology is complex, often involving big data processing and artificial intelligence technology, which cannot be solved by the traditional Internet of Things. Therefore, the concept of Wuhui Network was proposed. is based on artificial intelligence and uses big data technology and cloud computing technology as much as possible to realize artificial intelligence and processing of data, and to control hardware equipment to realize service interconnection, knowledge interconnection, and data interconnection of intelligent services. , human-machine interconnection, and equipment interconnection.

2.1 Wuhui Network Intelligent Hardware and Computing Model

The ideal hardware-installed sensor has certain artificial intelligence capabilities. The parameters and performance obtained through the necessary basic algorithm processing of the collected data are reflected through the intelligent hardware, so that the big data can be processed and analyzed by the cloud computing center through the network, especially It obtains control information through artificial intelligence algorithm processing, and then transmits the results to the driver and feeds back to the control hardware device. All processes will be digital, networked, and intelligent, and people will be in an intelligent big data era. The traditional computing model is centralized input, output, and calculation, while the computing model of the Internet of Things is often distributed input, output, and calculation. As a rapidly developing computer technology, distributed computing has the advantages of low operating costs and high computing performance, and can make full use of currently abundant and idle computing resources.

2.2 Key technologies and applications of Wuhui Network

Transform the “Internet of Things” that is only connected at the physical layer into a multi-layered “Internet of Things” that interconnects, shares data, and creates intelligent services to achieve interconnected services.

Internet, knowledge Internet, data Internet, human-machine Internet, equipment Internet, involving

some key technologies.

(1) uses wireless technology

In order to integrate with the existing Internet of Things, the Internet of Things terminal equipment can use wired and wireless communication methods to communicate with the previously built Internet of Things based on wired communication and wireless communication. New energy-saving high-speed wireless communication technology plays a key role in the interconnection of IoT devices and networks. Broadband wireless technology based on the fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) can solve the problem of large amounts of video signals collected by sensing devices with large amounts of data, such as cameras, and transmit them in real time in the Internet of Things.

(2) uses an operating system

The ever-increasing amount of data and various data processing, calculation, and control functions require reliable, powerful, comprehensive and stable software support. Therefore, Wuhui Network needs a specialized operating system to solve the new problems brought by new applications.The IoT operating system integrates the basic functions of the current Internet of Things and

Make full use of the functions of intelligent hardware. The operating system should have functional scalability and compatibility, so that more software and hardware can be connected to the platform in real time, forming a large aggregation effect. At the same time, end-to-end data and device protection also relies on the secure IoT operating system.

(3)Interactive technology in the Internet of Things

Interactive technology is the transmission and exchange of data and information in society or nature. While retaining the interactive control function of existing hardware devices such as watches and mobile phones with people, the Wuhui Network can also enhance the control function of the human brain by connecting to people’s sensory organs. Interactive technology will play an increasingly important role in the Internet of Things, among which technologies such as silent speech recognition, eye tracking, electrotactile stimulation, bionic contact lenses, and human-computer interface will be embedded in the Internet of Things system. ‘

(4)Hybrid cloud technology in IoT

There will be more and more intelligent hardware devices on the Wuhui Internet. In order to carry the huge amount of data generated, the combination of public cloud and home cloud will be promoted. The computing of objects based on private cloud and the computing of big data on public cloud will enable the artificial intelligence computing power of Wuhui Network to be reasonably distributed.

(5) Big data technology in

The artificial intelligence in involves the processing of massive data, especially huge amounts of video data, which requires the application of big data processing technology. With the increase of hardware devices in the Internet of things, higher requirements have been put forward for the data processing and analysis capabilities of big data technology, especially in machine learning, artificial intelligence, data extraction and knowledge interconnection. combines the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, interconnects big data, and provides people with customized intelligent services. It will connect more and more devices and continuously reduce the cost and efficiency of information circulation. For example, in the smart life of Wuhui Network, a huge number of sensors will be placed in the rooms where people live. When we sleep, the entire room is like living in an electronic cover, protected from outside noise interference. Sensor equipment will be placed on the windows. The home data center and public data center will detect the temperature 24 hours a day and update the data in real time. Control the opening and closing of windows to maintain indoor and outdoor air circulation and close windows in time when it rains. When people open their eyes in the morning, the Wuhui Network system command room automatically starts to heat to close to human body temperature, allowing you to pull out the quilt on the bed and avoid freezing. The vocal music equipment in the room will also play songs according to people’s favorite music style. Curtains It opens automatically and the TV wall turns on, displaying today’s suitable clothing and today’s information. The robot delivers warm water and washing utensils. After washing, the wardrobe and shoe cabinet automatically move to the bedside. After tidying up, the door opens automatically, the car starts, and the driverless car drives downstairs. Similarly, Wuhui Network also has great applications in smart buildings, smart home appliances, smart cars, smart security, intelligence, etc.

3. Conclusão

From the Internet of Things, which connects things, to the Internet of Things, which connects smart things, the future society is full of intelligence. The Internet of Things, which includes service interconnection, knowledge interconnection, data interconnection, man-machine interconnection, and equipment interconnection, not only relies on artificial intelligence technology, big data technology, network convergence technology, cloud computing technology, and 5G technology, but will also promote the development of these technologies. and applications.


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