Aplicação da tecnologia da Internet das coisas na indústria da energia eléctrica

The application of IoT technology in the power industry will contribute to the intelligent operation of the power grid and promote the development of the Energy Internet. Through a detailed interpretation of the application of Internet of Things technology in the power industry, this article can understand the current status, problems and future trends of this technology, thereby promoting the construction and improvement of current smart grids.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo GatewayDTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo Gateway

The relationship between the Internet of Things and smart grid

In essence, smart grid includes the application of physical network. The application of the Internet of Things in smart grid includes the service layer, network layer and perception layer of the application.

1. Smart grid is one of the main application areas of the Internet of Things, in which Internet of Things technology has been applied to varying degrees;

2. Internet of Things technology provides indispensable technical support for smart grids and brings many application values ​​to the development of smart grids;

3. Through the deep integration of smart grid and Internet of Things, the intelligent industry of power grid enterprises can be greatly developed and improved.

Current application status of the Internet of Things in the power industry

The Internet of Things is widely used in the power industry, strongly supporting the development of the power industry, especially power grid enterprises. Take the State Grid Corporation of China as an example. Since 2009, the State Grid Corporation of China has successively launched pilot projects such as electricity user information collection, smart substations, condition monitoring and maintenance, intelligent dispatching, distribution network automation and intelligent power consumption, which has effectively promoted the smart grid. Construction also promotes the application of the Internet of Things in smart grids. The following describes the application of the Internet of Things in the power industry from the aspects of power asset management, power maintenance management, power information collection and analysis, and power communication systems.

1. Collection and analysis of electricity consumption information

The application of Internet of Things technology in electricity consumption information mainly focuses on the collection of electricity consumption by smart energy meters and the analysis of electricity consumption data. Remote meter reading is one of the basic manifestations of the application of Internet of Things technology in the power industry. It has the advantages of convenience, accuracy and efficiency, and can realize remote real-time statistics of electric energy meter data. Through the electricity consumption information collection system. The electricity consumption information collection system is easy to operate and reduces labor costs. At the same time, due to the accuracy of the information system, errors in manual meter reading can be effectively avoided and the accuracy of meter reading can be improved. Based on the collected user-side information, the electricity consumption information collection system can conduct in-depth analysis and mining of electricity consumption information, obtain valuable information, and provide users with multiple services. User-side data can provide data support for power marketing to carry out power market analysis. By making full use of the history and informatization level of the collection system, we can carry out power market analysis and forecasting, accurately grasp market trends, and provide strong support for precise power marketing.

2. Power communication system

Internet of Things technology can provide necessary technical support and guarantee for the intelligentization of power grids in terms of distribution network communications, emergency communications, and smart grids. The power communication system transmits voice, data, fault recording and video, etc. The stability of the power communication system depends on the normal operation of the communication equipment. Combining the characteristics of Internet of Things technology and power communication systems, applying Internet of Things technology to power communication systems can not only save human resources, but also obtain the operating status of substation equipment in specific areas in a timely manner.

3. Power asset management

In terms of power asset management, the Internet of Things mainly manages power equipment. There are many types and quantities of equipment in the power industry. The traditional method is to record equipment information manually, which is prone to errors, takes a long time, and is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Through the RFID technology of the Internet of Things, equipment can be automatically identified and recorded, with high accuracy, low resource consumption, and can be connected to the management system used by the enterprise to synchronize information.

The specific method is to enter the accurate information and management information of the equipment into the system according to the requirements and label it, and then affix the label to the surface of the equipment. Use small and portable readers to record and modify tag information, and record changes at any time and update them in real time to ensure consistency with accounts. After the inspection is completed, the data interface of the reader is connected to the enterprise office system network, and the change information is automatically uploaded to form a report to ensure the cycle integrity of equipment management.

4. Electric power maintenance management

In terms of power maintenance, IoT technology is mainly used in intelligent operation and inspection of power equipment. Intelligent inspection requires that the power grid can control the operating status of key equipment in real time, promptly discover, quickly diagnose and eliminate hidden faults with as little manual intervention as possible, quickly isolate faults, and achieve self-recovery, so that the power grid has adaptive and self-healing capabilities. , improve equipment reliability and utilization. The realization of smart grid relies on online monitoring and real-time information control of important operating parameters in each link of the power grid. As an important technical means of information sensing and “interconnection of things” that promotes the development of smart grid, the physical network plays an important role in power equipment status monitoring and intelligent patrolling. It has been applied to a certain extent in inspection. The Internet of Things can monitor equipment in real time and obtain relevant information and data. Through the system’s analysis of information, anomalies in the information can be easily discovered, thereby achieving monitoring effects.

There are problems with the application of the Internet of Things in the power industry

Since the Internet of Things took root in our country, it has developed rapidly and has been applied in many fields. However, according to the overall development direction of the Internet of Things in the power industry and a comprehensive analysis of the current research and application of Internet of Things technology, the following aspects need to be further strengthened and improved.

1. The key technology of the Internet of Things – sensor technology. my country’s relevant industries are technologically backward, have weak technical capabilities, weak independent research and development capabilities, and low industrial aggregation. Judging from the number of patents, the number of patent applications related to IoT sensors in my country lags behind that of foreign companies, and it cannot provide sufficient basic technical support, and the security of the power grid cannot be fully guaranteed.

2. The technical standards of the Internet of Things are not unified, making it difficult to upgrade and manage in the future. Due to the different procurement entities, unified standard management and standard requirements have not been implemented, and different procurement sources have resulted in the Internet of Things in the power industry being more dispersed and point-like, unable to achieve unified synergy, and hindering the technological advantages of the Internet of Things. The effect of improving the production and operation of electric power is not obvious. Moreover, because the Internet of Things has many and complex applications in the power industry, and the needs of different fields are inconsistent, the existing communication, information and other standards in the power industry cannot fully meet the needs of large-scale applications of the Internet of Things.

3. There is a delay in power companies’ acceptance and application of the Internet of Things. Although the power industry has a great demand for IoT applications due to its own characteristics, due to the closed nature of the industry, the acceptance of new technologies is not high. In addition, the application of new technologies means that the original equipment and other investments need to be abandoned or interrupted for improvement. As a result, the overall application and promotion cannot achieve true efficiency and unity, which to a certain extent hinders the progress of the application of the Internet of Things in the power industry.

4. Lack of synergy between departments hinders application promotion. Due to the vertical management of the power industry, coordination and collaboration across departments and industries is very difficult. The data is not only inconsistent, but also difficult to expose to service providers, directly causing application implementation to stagnate.


Internet of Things technology plays an important role in the construction process of smart grid. Currently, research on my country’s Internet of Things technology in the electric power industry is accelerating, and the economic development of the electric power industry and the practical application and promotion of the Internet of Things are also accelerating. Although Internet of Things technology has been used to a certain extent in the power industry, it has played a major role in promoting the construction of smart grids and promoting the construction of the energy Internet in the new era. However, the Internet of Things technology is still in the development stage in my country, and the depth and breadth of its application still needs to be further improved. It is necessary to establish a mature supporting industrial chain and customer service for some key technologies, especially to strengthen the integration of Internet of Things technology and power system technology.

Therefore, overall, my country’s power industry still needs to increase investment in the Internet of Things from aspects such as technical research, technology transformation, capital investment, talent training and management model improvement.


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