ASCII code


American Standard Code for Information


American Standard Code for Information Interchange:

A computer coding system based on the letter J;

Mainly used to display modern English and other Western European languages;

The most common single-byte encoding system today;

The ASCI I code is represented by a specified 7-bit or 8-bit binary number combination.

128 or 256 possible characters;

0~31 and 127 (33 in total): control characters or special communication characters,

For example, 8, 9, 10 and 13 are converted to backspace, tab, line feed and return respectively.

car character;

48~57 are ten Arabic numerals from 0 to 9;

65~90 are 26 uppercase English letters;

Numbers 97~122 are 26 lowercase English letters:

The rest are some punctuation marks, operation symbols, etc.;

ASCII table


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