Atmospheric environment monitoring system

As air quality deteriorates, we pay more and more attention to health, especially gaseous substances that are harmful to the human body, and gradually carry out effective monitoring and management. Due to the frequent occurrence of haze weather, which seriously affects air pollution, in view of the current situation, Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Co., Ltd. has developed an atmospheric environment monitoring system , which consists of advanced wireless data communication network, computer information management and intelligent monitoring equipment. LED displays real-time online PM2.5, which is used to monitor the temperature, humidity, and temperature of the atmospheric environment. PM10, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and many other parameters, the LED display atmospheric air quality monitoring system consists of an ambient air quality detection host, wireless transmission, LED display, etc.

Atmospheric environment monitoring system

Products used in grid environment monitoring solutions:

1. Atmospheric environment monitoring system

Mainly monitors PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, O3, TVOC, temperature and humidity and other parameters. Establishing an atmospheric environment data monitoring and analysis system can improve the processing and management capabilities of air pollution monitoring data and provide a decision-making basis for environmental planning and environmental assessment. Enterprise chemical park, urban environment monitoring, municipal environment monitoring, mobile environment monitoring, traffic pollution environment monitoring, residential area/school/hospital air quality environment monitoring, park/forest environment monitoring. (If you need to purchase, please contact our company)

2. 4g communication module

The 4g communication module is an embedded 4G DTU module that provides a variety of interfaces and is compatible with expansion. Full Netcom network coverage, supports TCP/UDP transparent transmission, HTTP two-way communication, automatic data collection, automatic control switch; 5~12V wide voltage design, with GPS positioning; supports WEB remote configuration, FOTA firmware upgrade, simple and convenient, allowing your The device can easily connect wirelessly to the Internet. It can be widely used in power systems, industrial monitoring, traffic management, environmental monitoring, meteorology, water conservancy, coal mines, petroleum, new energy and other industries, providing strong support for communication networking and wireless transmission of projects.

Grid environment monitoring solution functions

1) Remote mobile phone control: According to temporary control requirements or functional manual inspection requirements, each loop or the entire system can be remotely controlled through mobile phone login or GSM text messaging.

2) Mobile phone alarm function: Through system settings, relevant fault, warning, and alarm information can be sent to the mobile phone of the relevant responsible person through text messages.

3) Operation status collection function: mainly conducts real-time monitoring of the temperature, humidity, PM2.5, and PM10 of each loop. The main control room monitoring software analyzes the data collected by all loops to make judgments on the operation status of each loop, and perform non- Provide early warning and alarm for changes in normal status.

4) Group control: Different geographical locations and requirements of each loop can be divided into several groups, and different timing schemes can be used for different loops.

5) Real-time monitoring: View monitoring data in real time, publish monitoring data of multiple monitoring points and urban public environment monitoring data in real time.

Grid environment monitoring solution

Characteristics of atmospheric environment monitoring system

  • Small size, modular design, flexible grid layout

  • The atmospheric environment monitoring system has high accuracy and reliable performance, and is suitable for outdoor and industrial environments.

  • Realize multi-parameter automatic monitoring and anti-interference technology design

  • Use global positioning system to track equipment in real time

  • Achieve various parameter collection, automatically upload to the network platform, and automatically publish data

  • Integrate GPRS communication technology to monitor atmospheric environment data in real time, transmit data in real time, and monitor equipment operating status in real time

Atmospheric environment monitoring system case

Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Grid Air Monitoring Solution has been applied in Santai County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province and other cities.

Other related solutions:

1) Construction site dust monitoring system

2) Soil moisture monitoring system

3) Intelligent irrigation management system


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