What security issues and challenges exist in the application of the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things has a wide range of applications, involving all walks of life. In addition to business abuse, replay attacks, information eavesdropping and tampering that appear in existing communication networks, its application security issues also have other more…

How the Internet of Things (IoT) will change the future of business

Core IoT technologies continue to evolve, and we see IoT changing industries such as automotive, energy, healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing, as well as appliances such as doorbells, air purifiers, sockets, security systems, ovens, thermostats, and more. So, is your business…

The Internet of Things boosts smart homes and opens a new era of smart homes

Nowadays, the concept of smart home is constantly mentioned by people. The development of science and technology has gradually brought smart homes into people’s field of vision. Compared with ordinary homes, smart homes mainly combine modern technologies, such as integrated…

Global cellular IoT connections will exceed the 5 billion mark in the future, with Chinese operators taking the lead

The latest research data from market research company Counterpoint Research shows that global IoT cellular connections are expected to exceed the 5 billion mark by 2025, and China will continue to lead the world with nearly two-thirds of the number…

The Internet of Things will play an important role in the development of smart agriculture in the future

With the rapid development of society and the strong support of national policies for agriculture, coupled with the increasing maturity of Internet of Things technology, the application of Internet of Things in traditional agricultural fields is becoming more and more…

Innovative application of IoT technology to intelligent transportation

Transportation is considered to be one of the most promising applications among all IoT application scenarios. With the development of urbanization, traffic problems are becoming more and more serious, and traditional solutions can no longer meet the new traffic problems.…

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