Computação periférica na agricultura

Computação de ponta na agricultura: Melhorar a eficiência e a sustentabilidade

A interação entre a tecnologia e a agricultura conduziu a soluções inovadoras que respondem aos desafios enfrentados pelos agricultores em todo o mundo. Uma dessas soluções é a computação de ponta, que é muito promissora para melhorar a monitorização das culturas, a gestão dos recursos e a produtividade agrícola em geral....
Boundary Computing Versus Cloud Computing

Computação de fronteira versus computação em nuvem: Descobrindo o futuro da gestão de dados

Two powerful paradigms have emerged in an ever-changing technological landscape: edge computing and cloud computing. These innovative approaches have revolutionised data management, but their objectives are different. In this paper, we will explore the differences between these two models of…
Intelligent Computing Centres Vs. Supercomputing Centres

Intelligent Computing Centres Vs. Supercomputing Centres: Unravelling The Differences

In the constantly evolving landscape of computing, two powerful structures stand out: Intelligent Computing Centres and Supercomputing Centres. Although they share some commonalities, their unique characteristics set them apart. In this article, we will examine the similarities and differences between…

Improving The Communication Efficiency Of Iot Gateways With 5g Communication Modules

The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. IoT has penetrated various fields from smart homes to industrial automation, promoting efficiency and innovation. Central to this IoT ecosystem are…

Gateway de monitorização remota PLC: Uma revolução na automação industrial

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) have revolutionized industrial automation. Thanks to their ability to perform complex control operations, PLCs have become the backbone of many industrial processes. However, the need for real-time monitoring and control has led to the development of…
Modbus Gateway 4-20ma Output: Typical Application Scenarios

Modbus Gateway 4-20ma Output: Typical Application Scenarios

Modbus Gateway is a protocol converter that enables communication between devices with different protocols. It is widely used in industrial automation systems to convert Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols to Modbus TCP/IP protocols. The 4-20 mA output is the standard for transmitting…
