Quais são os factores que afectam a velocidade e a distância de transmissão da lora?

In radio technology, basically three characteristics can be used to characterize a radio network: ● Range/distance ● Data transfer speed ● Power consumption. The criteria for these three indicators are certainly not the same, since the laws of physics set…

Como os equipamentos celulares industriais do tipo router melhoram a eficiência

As Internet of Things (IoT) applications expand, the scope of their associated networks must also expand. While Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee are available for convenient wireless networking near or within industrial facilities, some Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks require…

Factores de segurança a ter em conta na utilização de routers industriais 4g

There are many advantages to using an industrial router, DTU or switch, but as with any network connection, security is one of the most important elements when designing your system. We’ll look at several areas and where security gaps may…

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