Como funciona o protocolo de comunicação TCP/IP do servidor de porta série

As we all know, the serial port server is a data communication device that converts the serial port into a TPC/IP network interface. So what is TCP/IP? Although TCP/IP communication (and collecting data from TCP/IP devices) may seem intimidating at…

Do the data bit times of serial communication have to be consistent?

What is serial communication Serial communication is of great significance to microcontrollers, and requires a small number of cables and simple wiring, so it is widely used in remote data transmission. To put it simply, the data exchange between the…

Quais são as funções dos routers industriais 4g e quais são as diferenças em relação aos routers domésticos?

What is a 4g industrial router? 4G industrial router is an IoT communication and networking device that provides fast networking solutions for user equipment through the 4G LTE cellular network. Usually 4g industrial routers use high-performance embedded CPUs with operating…

Princípio de transmissão transparente do servidor de série

Princípio de transmissão transparente do servidor de série O servidor de porta de série é um pequeno dispositivo eletrónico que efectua a transmissão bidirecional entre os dados TCP/IP e os dados da porta de série. O seu princípio de funcionamento é que, quando o servidor de porta série está ligado ao computador,...

How to use RS232, RS422 and RS485 interfaces to expand the network?

Engineers often find themselves with insufficient cable length to connect end devices with RS232, RS422 and RS485 interfaces to their computers or controllers. How to solve this problem? There are many ways to expand the RS232, RS422 and RS485 interface…

How NB-IoT can better provide Internet of Things solutions

Traditional 4G wireless networks offer more capabilities than these use cases require. Additionally, IIoT applications require seamless coverage in remote environments, where staying connected consumes battery power and shortens device life. With the advent of 5G and NB-IoT, the ratio…

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