Tecnologia de niubilidade em NB-IoT

Tecnologia de niubilidade em NB-IoT 2020-05-27 17:15:05 Azir 17 A tecnologia NB-ioT sempre atraiu muita atenção. Quais são as principais características que a tornam tão popular? (Super cobertura, custo ultra-baixo, consumo de energia ultra-baixo, conexão ultra-grande, SC-FDMA, OFDMA) Por trás dessas características,...

The difference between industrial Internet of Things gateways and traditional gateways

With narrowband wireless communication technology, why do IoT terminals still need converged access from gateways? What are the special features of industrial IoT gateways compared to ordinary gateways? With these questions, let us learn about industrial IoT gateways together. In…

Understand the Internet of Things, the origin and development of the Internet of Things

Understand the Internet of Things, the origin and development of the Internet of Things 2020-06-08 17:46:13 Azir 10 Speaking of the Internet of Things, are you both familiar and unfamiliar? Yes, from radio frequency technology that can be seen everywhere,…

Tecnologia de comunicação LPWA

LPWA communication technology 2020-06-15 16:02:38 Azir 9 Traditional wireless communication technology includes two categories: cellular mobile communication and short-range wireless communication technology. However, with the development of the Internet of Things, LPWA communication technology has emerged that is consistent with…

Explicação pormenorizada e comparação dos protocolos MQTT e CoAP

In the past few years, mobile broadband has developed rapidly and has covered more than 2 billion customers. More and more people, organizations and institutions have joined the fully connected world. In the fully connected world, except for the most…

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Introduza os detalhes do produto, como a configuração da interface, o ambiente, etc., e outros requisitos específicos para receber um orçamento exato.