Learn why the Internet of Things is becoming more popular in one article

The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing at an astonishing pace. The Internet of Things opens up countless possibilities and is disrupting nearly every industry today. Some experts believe that the technology is advancing so quickly that the potential uses…

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital—a model room for future Internet of Things hospitals?

According to media reports, the Huoshenshan Hospital with a total construction area of ​​33,900 square meters was officially completed on February 2 and officially admitted patients with pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus on February 3. For Huoshenshan Hospital, due…

A brief analysis of the four major factors driving the growth of the medical Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical objects connected through the Internet. These physical objects include technologies that interact with internal factors as well as the external environment. The Internet of Things is being widely used…

Industrial IoT applications are growing rapidly

As IoT technology develops, factories are becoming automated environments, logistics operations and supply chains are being revolutionized, and industries such as healthcare are benefiting from always-on connectivity. The number of connected devices serving a range of vertical markets will increase.…

As 10 principais soluções de IoT industrial de 2020

Across manufacturing and industrial processes, the Industrial Internet of Things holds great promise and has been improving operational efficiency. In fact, it has led to significant improvements in productivity, scalability, and cost-effectiveness for most companies. What is the Industrial Internet…

Conectividade IoT - Quatro normas mais recentes que moldam 2020 e os anos seguintes

Connectivity is the foundation of the IoT, and it’s no exaggeration to say that the wireless technology chosen can have a profound impact on the success of any IoT project. Here are four emerging IoT connectivity standards that will shape…

What can the Internet of Things do during the epidemic?

At the beginning of 2020, the new coronavirus suddenly broke out and spread across the country. Fortunately, today’s 2020 is completely different from 2003. When dealing with this epidemic, the rapid development of information technology, increasingly powerful infrastructure capabilities, and…

The important role of agricultural Internet of Things technology in flower planting

In the past ten years, the world’s flower industry has grown at an average annual rate of 25%, and my country has a vast flower planting area and a huge consumer market. However, due to the wide variety of flowers,…

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