Internet of Things Garbage Classification-Intelligent Management System Makes Life Better

Currently, the application of the Internet of Things is in full swing in many fields. With the continuous advancement of technology, the Internet of Things is gradually being used in environmental protection, energy management and other fields. On July 1,…

What problems does edge computing solve in the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is an important means to realize the digital transformation of the industry and will give birth to new industrial ecology and business models. Without cloud computing alone, IoT projects cannot reach their full potential, especially in…

Uma breve análise do protocolo padrão MQTT da Internet das Coisas

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a client-server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol that is lightweight, open, simple, simple in design, and easy to implement. Although HTTP is the epic standard for web pages, for large-scale communication between machines (Machine-to-Machine, M2M),…

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