Situação atual e tendências de desenvolvimento do mercado chinês da agricultura inteligente em 2019

O que é a agricultura inteligente?

Smart agriculture is an important part of the smart economy. It is a product of the integration of modern information technology such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and 3S technology with agricultural production. It can achieve precise management of agricultural production through intelligent perception and data analysis of the agricultural production environment. and visual diagnostics.

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The potential market size of China’s smart agriculture will be close to 27 billion in the future

The combination of modern agricultural refined production and Internet of Things technology currently advocated has huge market demand space. Based on perception, a network platform that fully interconnects people and people, people and things, and things and things has been successfully constructed. Modern agriculture has quietly entered the world of things. In the Internet era, the overall situation of smart agriculture is beginning to emerge. According to relevant statistics, the potential market size of China’s smart agriculture reached 13.742 billion yuan in 2015. By 2017, the potential market size of China’s smart agriculture increased to 17.573 billion yuan. As of 2018, the potential market size of China’s smart agriculture exceeded 20 billion yuan. Reached 20.306 billion yuan. It is predicted that the potential market size of China’s smart agriculture will reach 26.761 billion yuan by 2020, with a compound growth rate of 14.3% from 2015 to 2020.

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Statistics and forecast of potential market size of smart agriculture in China from 2015 to 2020

Investment in agricultural technology needs to be strengthened

In the 1990s, the United States spent $60 billion on agricultural science and technology, and my country’s investment intensity in agricultural scientific research was only 0.77%, which is far lower than the national scientific research investment intensity of 1.7%. The contribution rate of China’s agricultural technology to agricultural growth is only 43%, while the contribution rate of developed countries reaches more than 60%, and some even as high as 80%. Compared with developed countries such as the United States, China’s agricultural technology and scientific research investment levels are still far behind.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics: As of 2017, the amount of scientific research funding investment in my country’s agricultural and sideline food processing industry was 27.46 billion yuan, and the investment intensity was only 0.46%.

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Statistics on scientific research funding investment and investment intensity in my country’s agricultural and sideline food processing industry from 2011 to 2018

Policies continue to increase, and the concept of smart agriculture is hot

On February 19, 2019, the long-awaited No. 1 Central Document was officially released. The theme of this release is “Several Opinions on Adhering to the Priority Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas and Doing a Good Job in “Three Rural Areas””. The first sentence at the beginning of the document This illustrates the importance of this year and next in the context of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and the arduous tasks faced in the fields of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”.

In terms of “consolidating the foundation of agriculture and ensuring the effective supply of important agricultural products”, it is proposed to accelerate breakthroughs in key core agricultural technologies, cultivate a group of agricultural strategic scientific and technological innovation forces, and promote independent innovation in the fields of biological seed industry, heavy agricultural machinery, smart agriculture, green inputs, etc. In 2019, the No. 1 Central Document once again mentioned smart agriculture.

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Summary of smart agriculture related narratives in the No. 1 Central Document from 2014 to 2019

Among the four major application fields, UAV plant protection companies have the most financing

According to the different current agricultural application methods and types, smart agriculture is divided into four typical application scenarios, namely data platform services, drone plant protection, agricultural machinery automatic driving and precision breeding. Among them, data platform service application scenarios account for the largest proportion. is 40%.

According to statistics, companies with more types of financing are mostly used in the field of drone plant protection, followed by agricultural data platform services. These two fields are also the fastest growing in agricultural science and technology.

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Statistics on the proportion of smart agriculture application scenarios in China

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Financing analysis of China’s smart agriculture application fields


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