Espera-se que a bateria de grafeno seja produzida em massa hoje

I saw a very valuable news today, that is, GAC Group announced that their graphene battery research and development operations have made certain progress, and they can use three-dimensional structure graphene as an additive for the positive and negative electrodes of the battery, and then significantly improve it. Battery charging performance and battery life. It is expected that vehicles using this kind of graphene battery will undergo mass production actual vehicle testing as soon as the end of this year. At the same time, please pay attention to the actual vehicle verification results. The relevant test results will be further released later.

Graphene battery technology

Seeing this news, we instantly felt the progress and convenience brought by technology. We must know that people in ancient times were not as ignorant as we imagine. The earliest battery sample that can be found in the world is actually from about two thousand years ago. In other words, humans could actually make batteries as early as two thousand years ago.

What is going on?

This is not a graphene battery.

1. Excavation of ancient tombs during railway construction

Now please join me and turn the clock hand to about 1930. At that time, Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was building a railway. In order to complete the construction of the railway, the road surface along the way must be excavated. As the project progressed, a huge ancient tomb appeared in front of the workers.

The workers did not dare to continue digging, so they immediately informed the company and invited local archaeological experts. Based on the layout of the tomb, archaeological experts believed that this was a large ancient Persian tomb with very high research value, so they conducted protective excavations on the tomb.

2. Live up to expectations.

This is indeed a large ancient Persian tomb. In the following months of archaeological work, as archaeologists’ excavation work deepened, many funerary objects gradually began to appear in people’s sight. The first thing unearthed were many pottery pots with Persian inscriptions on them. They are the crystallization of wisdom and civilization of ancient Persians. These pottery pots can allow us to understand ancient Persia more clearly. It has very high archaeological value.

As the excavation work continued, a mysterious sarcophagus was discovered in the center of the tomb.

When it comes to this, we will definitely think so. The owner of this sarcophagus is the protagonist we want to talk about today. But the reality is not like this, not like this. The protagonist we are going to talk about today are those inconspicuous mysterious vase-shaped objects printed with Persian characters.

Vases are often found in tombs and are not a rare item. However, the vase unearthed by archeology this time can change humankind’s concept of history. What is going on?

This is the Baghdad battery

3. Baghdad Battery

Around these pots, archaeologists also found the same copper pipes and iron rods used in the vases. In this mysterious vase, copper pipes and iron rods are held together with asphalt.

So what are these identical vases used for? This aroused intense curiosity among archaeologists. These things are definitely not related to any previous tomb objects. Even archaeologists have never seen them, and there is no documentation to check them. What is the value and meaning of taking these things as burials? So what is this thing used for?

When the curious archaeologists copied the vase according to its prototype, they were shocked to discover that it was actually a battery that could generate electricity! This is the Baghdad Battery that shocked the archaeological world!

Conversion of chemical energy and electrical energy. It’s just something created in recent times. This vase is the same mysterious item. After testing, it turned out to be a mysterious product from around 248 AD!

Although it looks like a vase, it has no opening to hold flowers. At the mouth of the bottle is an iron rod. An iron rod is inserted into the tank and connected to a length of copper pipe.

As more and more scientists get involved in this matter, the truth of this mysterious matter is gradually revealed. Originally it was really a battery. Aren’t batteries a product of modern technology? How did ancient people know how to use the conversion of chemical energy and electrical energy to make Baghdad batteries?

We always think that the ancient Persians did not have the knowledge and skills to make this kind of Baghdad battery, but this is not the case. The Persians had mastered some skills and abilities as early as ancient times that we don’t even know about.

Inside the Baghdad Battery

4. What are Baghdad batteries used for?

Fortunately, a scientist named “Kavinigai” participated in the archaeological excavation. When he saw this mysterious vase, his intuition told him that this thing was not simple. So, when we all went to study the clay pot and the mysterious owner of the sarcophagus, he persistently started studying the vase.

When he successfully copied the prototype of the battery, he was surprised to find that it was a battery that could generate electric current. So what is this battery used for? Could it be that it supplies power to other electrical appliances? The archaeological site he carefully analyzed did not contain any electrical appliances, and he could not find any other convincing clues.

In order to find out the true use of this battery, scientists reviewed a lot of literature. Finally, he finally found a statement that was closer to the truth. The answer he gave was that the Baghdad battery could be used by ancient doctors for partial anesthesia during surgery. Because such a theory is beyond the scope of our current technology, it is difficult to accept.

Is this battery really suitable for surgical anesthesia applications? According to our generally accepted history, Hua Tuo’s Ma Fei Powder is the earliest recognized anesthetic in the world among traditional Chinese medicine. If the Baghdad battery is also used for surgical anesthesia. That also means from another aspect, maybe this is the earliest anesthesia skill?

Hua Tuo: I don’t believe it either!

After hearing this academic result, American scientists felt that his idea was not credible at all. Based on the technology he provided, American scientists also successfully copied the prototype of this battery. After their analysis, they found that the Baghdad batteries were connected together in patches. Through series and parallel connection, strong current is generated. Instead of using each one alone.

Using a strong electric current, it is possible to electroplat weapons or separate metals from solutions. Of course, these uses are based on contemporary physics and chemistry.

Mass production! Baghdad Battery!

So, what can the Baghdad battery be used for? We still haven’t solved the mystery. But the Baghdad battery can produce electrical energy, and even a bold step forward, the ancient Persians gradually began to use and use this electrical energy. These assignments are unquestionable.

If we want to start from here on the history of batteries, mankind has gone through more than two thousand years of technological perfection and advancement. But in terms of battery principles, the mutual conversion of chemical energy and electrical energy has not fundamentally changed. It’s just that our current skills can make it faster and more efficient to store energy.

Skills in replicating Baghdad batteries

What do we think the Baghdad batteries are used for? What kind of intelligence did ancient people have that we don’t know about? Don’t underestimate people you don’t understand. The same goes for those around you.

This may be the inspiration that history has given us.


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