Como efetuar a manutenção do equipamento e dos sistemas de comunicação

Como efetuar a manutenção do equipamento e dos sistemas de comunicação

Foreword: With the continuous development and progress of society, the military plays a huge role in safeguarding national security and maintaining social stability. The force structure based on the new era is complex and involves multiple components, highlighting its importance in many fields. Based on this, in order to ensure the effective performance of the army’s responsibilities, the maintenance of communication equipment and communication systems cannot be ignored, in order to provide guarantee for the smooth development of the army’s work.

Based on the work of the army in the new era, it shoulders the heavy responsibility of the stability of the entire society and the security of the people. In the process of continuous work, communication equipment and systems play an important supporting role, and their application level is related to the effectiveness of the work and requires great attention. Once communication equipment fails, it is difficult to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of task processing, and may even cause task failure, with serious consequences. Based on this, the army must place communication equipment and system maintenance work in a key position, strengthen the implementation of daily management and maintenance work, and effectively improve the overall management and control level.

1 Correctly understand the value of communication equipment and communication system maintenance work based on the actual development of the army

Based on the construction of the army, communication equipment and communication systems need to ensure sensitivity at all times and be in normal working condition at all times. Only in this way can basic guarantees be provided for daily police dispatches and major operations. Based on this, the inspection and maintenance of communication equipment requires the military to attach great importance to it. Specifically speaking, communication equipment and systems require dedicated personnel to test and inspect, make the testing work routine, do handover work, and record in detail, so that the implementation status of the equipment and system can be accurately grasped, problems can be discovered in a timely manner, reported for processing, and maintained at their best. The best working condition ensures normal communication, excellent contact quality, and stable signals to achieve barrier-free communication and avoid coverage blind spots. Once equipment fails, it must be repaired and replaced in a timely manner to eliminate faults and meet daily combat readiness communication support requirements. In essence, the level of maintenance is closely related to maintenance expenditure. If the maintenance work is not in place, the equipment failure rate will increase, the degree of damage will increase, and the maintenance cost will increase. It can be seen that the maintenance of communication equipment and systems is the basic guarantee for improving the combat effectiveness of the troops and maintaining normal communications.

2 How to maintain and maintain military communication equipment and communication systems

2.1 Rely on the ledger management model to strengthen the elimination of unsafe factors in the communication process and fully leverage the advantages of information communication equipment and systems

2.1.1 Pay attention to the maintenance of core communication equipment and systems of the army and strengthen efficient response to security issues. There are mainly four types of communication systems for the army, namely video conferencing systems, office large-screen control systems based on the public security network, and image monitoring systems. With the continuous upgrading of information technology, military communication equipment has become more information-based, especially with higher intelligence features, highlighting complexity and strengthening the support for military communication behavior. Based on the current communication equipment used by the army, even if the quality of signal reception and transmission is high, some problems are still prominent, especially the impact of the communication network itself, which increases the chance of leaks. Based on this, in order to effectively avoid this kind of security problem, it is necessary to adopt a ledger management model to strengthen security and eliminate unsafe factors to the greatest extent. Specifically, computers used by military personnel are generally in a fixed state. However, the movement of personnel poses challenges to the storage and use of computers.In order to strengthen computer management, the army generally establishes information schedules to record computer usage in detail, especially for those related to the public security network.

The connected computers should be reflected in the detailed list, and at the same time, the overall information should be updated regularly.

2.1.2 Strengthen the comprehensiveness of maintenance of military communication equipment and improve the efficiency of management and control with the help of data. Within the army, in addition to the four dominant communication equipment types, there are also some conventional equipment involved, and maintenance work cannot be ignored in order to effectively maintain the integrity of the entire communication system and strengthen the coordination role. For communication stations and related fixed assets, when performing maintenance, databases must be used to enhance the efficiency of management and lay the foundation for improving the efficiency of troop management and maintenance.

2.2 Comprehensively strengthen the construction of the military equipment maintenance and management team and improve the professional quality and ability of management personnel

Strictly follow the maintenance procedures and pay attention to the recording of maintenance data. The maintenance of communication equipment is extremely professional and requires specialized personnel to operate it. Therefore, the construction of the management team cannot be ignored. While ensuring that personnel have professional maintenance knowledge, they should also enhance their sense of responsibility and concepts. Specifically, it is necessary to conduct regular inspections of equipment, conduct simulation tests, and strictly follow operating steps and processes to ensure that communication equipment maintains its best working condition and enhances sensitivity. In addition, during the daily maintenance and upkeep work, relevant records must be kept in order to provide more detailed data support for future communication equipment troubleshooting. Specifically, the communication system must be tested regularly, twice a week, to enhance personnel’s operational proficiency, reduce communication system failures caused by human factors, strengthen the improvement of system functions, ensure the smoothness of system communication, update data in a timely manner, and improve System sensitivity to maximize the function and efficiency of the communication system. Facing the rapidly developing information age, military communication professional managers must keep up with the development of the times, actively innovate, comprehensively improve their business level, combine the actual development of the army, and complete maintenance work with a high sense of responsibility, which fundamentally improves the emergency support capabilities of the army. Create strong protection.

3 Conclusion

In summary, based on the new development period and facing the particularity of military development and construction, communication equipment and systems have a particularly prominent position, which is related to the efficiency of military construction. Based on this, the maintenance work of communication equipment and systems cannot be ignored. Correctly understand the value and significance of this work, master the measures to improve maintenance capabilities, implement them, accelerate information construction, improve the comprehensive support level, and fundamentally provide the army with Provide a solid guarantee for development.

Keywords in this article: DTU


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