NB-IoT helps urban manhole covers transform into digital management

Currently, with the rapid development of new generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, it has become a reality to use technical means to solve the problem of manhole covers. China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. proposed an intelligent manhole cover monitoring and management solution based on NB-IoT (narrowband Internet of Things) technology, “upgrading” ordinary manhole covers into intelligent manhole covers with an “Internet of Things” management system to protect pedestrian safety.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo GatewayDTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo Gateway

As early as 2013, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the “Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Urban Manhole Covers”, requiring departments including urban water supply, drainage, gas, heating, real estate (property), electricity, telecommunications, radio and television, etc. , implement digital management of manhole covers, achieve effective supervision of social resources, and ensure the personal safety of the people. However, due to the large number of manhole covers in the city, even if the management department arranges maintenance personnel to strengthen inspections, they cannot fully guarantee the safety of the manhole covers, cannot obtain equipment information in a timely and effective manner, and cannot achieve real-time monitoring and fast and efficient management in the face of abnormal situations.

Based on the existing problems in manhole cover management, the NB intelligent manhole cover monitoring and management solution, which is composed of the Internet of Things smart manhole cover, manhole cover cloud platform, and manhole cover APP, can transmit the manhole cover information back to the platform in real time. When the manhole cover display position changes, or an abnormality occurs When it is turned on, hit hard, damaged, etc., the smart terminal will generate an alarm work order in time and upload it to the manager’s mobile APP, so that the manager can accurately determine the fault location based on the alarm information and perform troubleshooting in a timely manner.

NB-IoT technology has four major advantages: wide coverage, large connectivity, low power consumption, and low cost. Smart manhole covers based on NB-IoT technology have a terminal battery life of up to 5 years, eliminating the need for frequent battery replacement and facilitating manhole cover management.

It is understood that NB-IoT smart manhole covers can be widely used in power companies, communication companies, urban construction companies, pipe gallery construction companies, etc. for resource-type (precious asset theft prevention, pipe gallery use authorization) well monitoring scenarios to solve patrol management, asset management, etc. Issues such as anti-theft and pipe gallery management. At present, the application of NB smart manhole covers has reached a large scale, and more than 300 sets of manhole covers have been piloted in Ningxia, Hebei, Zhejiang and other places.

NB-IoT smart manhole covers are just one part of the construction of smart cities. It is reported that China Mobile Internet of Things is actively assisting in the construction of smart cities, including smart government affairs, smart industry, smart people’s livelihood, smart security, smart environment and other major directions. The series Products include home care, smart parking, smart street lights, NB smoke detectors, etc. With the rapid advancement of smart city construction, the future of a beautiful city is clearly visible.


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