Investigação sobre a integração de 5G e IoT na operação e manutenção do transporte ferroviário urbano

The Internet of Things supported by the fifth-generation mobile communication system (5G system for short) will expand its access volume and coverage, and can greatly better adapt to and meet the growing operation and maintenance needs of urban rail transit. By studying the development direction, technical characteristics and integration trends of 5G systems and the Internet of Things, and analyzing and discussing the impact of this integration on the operation and maintenance of urban rail transit, application suggestions and countermeasures were put forward.

From February 27 to March 2, 2017, the Mobile World Congress (MWC) was held in Barcelona, ​​​​Spain. The fifth generation mobile communication system (SC) became the focus of this MWC. Compared with 3G and 4G, which are more focused on meeting voice and data business needs, 5G focuses on enhancing mobile broadband, massive connections to the Internet of Things, vertical industry applications and other fields, and is a key carrier of the “Internet of Everything”. According to GSMA’s prediction, by In 2020, the number of IoT connections based on cellular technology will reach 1 billion to 2 billion”18, and the connections between things will be more diverse and rich. The vision of “always connected, connected things”, So close.

As of the end of 2016, there were 30 urban rail transit operations in mainland China, with a total of 133 lines and a total length of 4,152.8 km. The development trend of increasing operating lines, continuous growth of passenger flow, diversified system formats, and networked operating lines has become more obvious.” However, traditional rail transit operations have problems such as low intelligence, intensive manpower, and slow response. In this context, starting from operational needs and actively promoting the application of new technologies, it is imperative to improve the level of application management. It is foreseeable that the integration of 5G and the Internet of Things will also create more value for rail transit operations.

2 5G mobile communication system

2-1 Overview

In recent years, as 4G has completed large-scale deployment around the world, 5G has become a hot research topic in the field of mobile communications at home and abroad. Compared with 4G systems, 5G systems have significantly improved in terms of peak rate, spectrum efficiency, coverage, number of connections, latency, reliability, user experience, and power consumption control. It provides strong support for large-scale Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, virtual reality, augmented reality, online games and other applications.

2.2 5G technology The key technologies of 5G mainly focus on wireless technology and network technology. The wireless technology field mainly includes: massive MIMO technology, new multiple access technology, ultra-high density networking technology, new multi-carrier technology, etc.; the network technology field mainly includes: network slicing technology, control plane/user plane separation technology, Network function reconstruction technology, etc. H J17. Therefore, compared with 4G technology, 5G technology will achieve a 1,000-fold increase in mobile data traffic per unit area; in terms of transmission rate, typical user data rates will increase by 10 to 100 times, with a peak transmission rate of up to 10 Gbit/s (4G is 100 Gbit/s). Mbit/s)Ls]; at the same time, the end-to-end delay will be shortened by 5 to 10 times to the ms level, and the spectrum efficiency will be improved by 5 to 10 times; high-speed mobility can reach 500 km/h.

2.3 5G development and expectations As early as April 2008, NASA in the United States launched research on 5G communication technology. Subsequently, major economies such as Europe, China, Japan and South Korea began to study the core technology of 5G. After years of development , 5G technology has made great progress. At the 2017 MWC, 3GPP announced that it would determine the 5G new air interface specification №J half a year in advance. The industry expects to achieve large-scale 5G deployment in 2019. This move will greatly accelerate the development of the Internet of Things industry.

my country’s mobile communication technology started from 1G to 4G, from blank to leading, achieving a historical turning point in the development of the mobile communication industry. In 2013, my country established the IMT-2020 working group for 5G mobile communications research and development, and actively participated in the formulation of 5G standards. This working group has promoted my country’s 5G vision and demand results to become a global consensus, written my country’s key 5G technologies into the 5G international mainstream standards, and played a leading role in the market of operating companies to promote the integration of 5G-supported mobile Internet and Internet of Things applications. Innovation to enhance wireless mobile communication service capabilities. According to the plan of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, my country will accelerate the planning and coordination of key frequencies such as 5G in 2017. Mainstream domestic manufacturers Huawei and ZTE plan to invest at least hundreds of millions of dollars before 2018 and actively carry out verification of key 5G technologies. At present, my country’s 5G technology has completed the test of key wireless technologies in September 2016. Next, 5G technical solution verification and 5G system verification will be carried out. Large-scale 5G deployment has entered the fast lane. 2017 was the year the industry moved away from 5G prototypes and into early commercial products and field trials.

3Internet of Things

3.1 Overview The concept of the so-called “Internet of Things” was first proposed by relevant personnel from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. The exact definition of “Internet of Things” refers to the connection of any items to the Internet through radio frequency identification (RFID), infrared sensors, global positioning systems, laser scanners and other information sensing equipment in accordance with agreed protocols to conduct information processing. A network that exchanges and communicates to achieve intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management .

3.2 Internet of Things Technology The core technologies of the Internet of Things include item identification technology represented by RFID, sensing and transmission technology, network and communication technology, data processing and storage, and smart object technology represented by 3C integration, etc. By relying on micro-sensor chip technology, intelligence and wireless network technology, people and things, and things and things can “communicate”, achieving the interconnection of all things. It can be used in many fields such as urban public security, industrial production, environmental monitoring , intelligent transportation, smart homes, and public health. Its main system architecture is divided into perception layer, network layer, and application layer, which respectively realize data perception measurement, information transmission and communication, and various application services.

3.3 Development and expectations of the Internet of Things The United States, Europe, Japan and other countries have increased research and investment in the Internet of Things in recent years, establishing application test platforms, formulating strategic plans, and establishing working groups, etc. China has always attached great importance to research on the Internet of Things, and related work has been launched since the 1990s. On October 8, 2010, the Chinese Academy of Sciences established the Chinese Academy of Sciences Internet of Things Research and Development Center. On November 28, 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Internet of Things”. After years of development, my country’s Internet of Things industrial policy environment has been continuously improved, the industrial system has been initially established, innovative results have continued to emerge, application demonstrations have continued to deepen, and the scale has been formed. Specifically reflected in: public network machines.

The number of machine-to-machine (M2M) connections has exceeded 100 million; there have been achievements and breakthroughs in the fields of chips, sensors, intelligent terminals, middleware, architecture, and standard formulation; and quality and efficiency improvements in industry, agriculture, energy, logistics and other industries. However, there are still problems such as weak industrial ecological competitiveness, weak industrial chain coordination, imperfect standard system, and insufficient integration of the Internet of Things and the industry. On January 17, 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology formulated and issued the information and communication industry development plan for the Internet of Things, proposing to promote the large-scale application of the Internet of Things as the main line, proposing the direction, focus and path of the development of the Internet of Things in my country in the next five years, and more clearly requiring the acceleration of the development of the Internet of Things in the next five years. The deep integration of the Internet of Things and industry fields deepens the application of the Internet of Things in the field of smart cities. This volume points out the direction for the application of the Internet of Things in urban rail transit.

The integration of 5G and the Internet of Things along with the evolution of 4G NB. With the maturity of IoT and eMTC, the development of wireless Internet of Things has begun. The two most important core requirements to support the future “Internet of Everything” are massive connections and a latency of about 1 ms, which cannot be achieved by current mobile communication networks. And ITU. 5G identified by R (International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Bureau) has the following three main application scenarios: (1) Enhanced mobile broadband; (2) Ultra-high reliability and low-latency communications; (3) Large-scale machines class communication. The latter two scenarios greatly meet the actual needs of the Internet of Things for “connection of thousands of households”, and can better meet the needs of the Internet of Things for network standardization, security and other aspects. It will end the siled situation of IoT access technology ahead of schedule and replace it with seamless and reliable connections under a unified framework, while greatly reducing the cost of network construction .

Palavras-chave deste artigo: Gateway de computação periférica


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