Serial server workflow

The main processor first initializes the network and serial port devices. When data is transmitted from the Ethernet, the processor analyzes the data packets. If it is an ARP packet, the program is transferred to the ARP handler; if it is an IP packet and the transport layer uses UDP and the port is correct, the data packet is considered correct. After the data is unpacked, the data part is output through the serial port corresponding to the port. On the contrary, if data is received from the serial port , the data will be packaged in UDP format and sent to the Ethernet control chip, which will output the data to the Ethernet. The user can process the received data according to needs through the software system.

Other explanations

At present, there are still many devices in the industrial environment using RS232/RS 485 for network communication, but its bus has many inherent defects. Ethernet is the most widely used network and has the most extensive network support and resources, and enterprises The informatization construction must also establish high-grade data collection, production monitoring, and real-time cost management networking systems. Therefore, the serial port data stream transmission based on TCP/IP is used to realize the management of device hardware. The serial port server can immediately upgrade the enterprise’s previous RS 232/RS 485 devices to devices with Ethernet interfaces, and the devices can be installed without wiring. By connecting to the existing Ethernet network, it can be replaced or upgraded without investing a lot of manpower and material resources.

In recent years, in order to meet the needs of small and medium-scale, short-term near-refined weather forecasts and special industry service services, the construction scale of ground automatic weather stations has been continuously expanded, and the spatial and temporal resolution of observation data has been continuously improved. Up to now, our country has built more than 57,000 sets of various automatic weather stations (AWS). AWS observation data has the characteristics of dense site distribution, large terrain differences, harsh station environment, high degree of data collection and transmission automation, strong real-time data, and obvious medium and small-scale weather phenomena. Therefore, its quality problems are higher than those of artificial conventional ground stations (CMWS). Observed data appear more complex and serious. Traditional Traditional Quality control methods are mainly based on the principles of meteorology, synopticology, and climatology, and take the temporal and spatial variation patterns of meteorological elements and the patterns of interrelationships between various elements as lines.

Palavras-chave: servidor de porta série


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