A Internet das Coisas está a mudar o nosso mundo e a afetar o nosso trabalho e a nossa vida

As IoT technologies are integrated into our lives, the way we live, work, and interact with the world is gradually changing. Although we may not realize it, the number of connected devices around us is growing at an exponential rate, and these connected devices are called the “Internet of Things.”

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo GatewayDTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo Gateway

Simply put, the purpose of the Internet of Things is to allow us to use the Internet to communicate with previously inanimate objects. However, the growing potential of the IoT market and the lack of common protocols indicate that we are still in the early stages of the IoT revolution.

The application environment of the Internet of Things should be developed to the most ideal state – invisible technology. The future of IoT will see platforms running seamlessly behind the scenes, enabling countless devices to effectively communicate with each other and deliver easy benefits to consumers. For example, airbags are an extremely sensitive technology that we all rely on heavily. They – they have to work when we need them to. However, this is a technology that is taken for granted and, more importantly, is exactly how we expect it to be. Technology has reached the point where it can be taken for granted, enabling humans to excel in other professional fields and pursue new subject areas.

At the current rate of technological development, the Internet of Things will create amazing possibilities for society in the near future. In fact, IHS predicts that the IoT market will grow from 15.4 billion connected devices in 2015 to 30.7 billion in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025. So, let’s focus on how our lifestyle is being driven by IoT.

A growing area of ​​IoT is location tracking devices, which create a way to virtually track things by “digitizing” items, offloading the task of remembering where items are to our IoT technology; and smartwatches Another example of a device that makes it easy for us, today we have fully functional smartwatches on our wrists that can make phone calls, schedule appointments, read the news, we can even talk to it – and it will reply to us; plus, there are new Connected home devices can manage the temperature of our homes and help save energy by ensuring the lights turn off automatically when we go out.

What these IoT devices and apps have in common is that they free up our minds to focus on more important things than where we put our car keys or forget to turn off the lights when we go out, similar to how we no longer need to remember the phone book. way because we now rely on our phones to remember phone numbers. New IoT technologies give humans the ability to do more and do things better, rather than wasting time on small things. The Internet of Things is a friend, always caring behind your back, reminding you when you lose your wallet at a restaurant or your dog runs away outside the park. Most importantly, it provides us with peace of mind knowing that we are in control of our lives.


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