What are the advantages of 4gdtu module

The 4gdtu module is a product developed to allow serial devices and network servers to transmit data to each other through the operator’s network. By simply setting up the host computer, you can easily use this product to achieve two-way transparent data transmission from the serial port to the network. Commonly used in industrial automation, shared massage chairs, smart charging piles, etc. Its characteristics are fast data transmission, the transmission rate can reach more than 00KB, the data transmission is very reliable, and the anti-interference ability is strong. It is very suitable for some scenarios where the transmission rate needs to be timely.
However, the 4gdtu module also has some small disadvantages, that is, the cost is too high. For application scenarios such as remote meter reading, if a 4GDTU module is used, the cost will be very high. Using NB-IoT can greatly reduce costs. The above is just a brief explanation of the 4gdtu module, let’s go into details below.

1. Good adaptability

For GPRS data transmission modules, in remote mountainous areas, data transmission is often delayed due to poor local signals. Especially for important alarm information, it is very disadvantageous. The 4gdtu module can solve this problem very well. Many manufacturers of 4gdtu modules basically use full Netcom. In addition to supporting 4G signals, they also support 3G and 2G signals. When the 4G signal is not good, they will automatically switch to the 3G signal or the 2G signal to ensure the real-time nature of the data.

2. Good scalability

After users set up a communication network, they often add new devices due to system needs. If the wired method is used, re-wiring is required, the construction is more troublesome, and the original communication lines may be damaged. However, if a wireless data transmission station is used to establish a dedicated wireless data transmission method, only the new equipment and the wireless data transmission station are required. System expansion can be achieved by connecting, which has better scalability.

3. Fast transmission rate

As mentioned above, the 4gdtu module has a fast transmission rate. In the application of vending machines, the 4gdtu module is perfect. The information from payment to payment is sent to the server, and then the data is returned to tell the vending machine what the customer bought. What product, what product should pop up. This process is generally best controlled within 10 seconds. If 2G is used, the shipping time will be greatly increased, which will greatly affect the user purchasing experience.

The above three points only explain the advantages and functional advantages of the 4gdtu module itself. Each company has different products and different research and development directions, so the functions are also different. The following takes the 4gdtu module of Zonghengzhi as an example.

DTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo GatewayDTU/Edge Gateway/Plataforma IoT/Módulo Gateway

(1) The 4gdtu module that supports the active collection of vertical and horizontal accusations supports the active collection of sensor data and will actively report the data to the platform. It can also customize the collection cycle and set it in the configuration software! Simple to use.
(2) Support one-to-one and one-to-many networking
The 4gdtu module combined with the transparent transmission function of Zongheng Cloud can realize one-to-one and one-to-many networking. Can realize digital transmission radio function. Using this type of function can save users a lot of costs.
(3) Basic functions: dual watchdog, disconnection reconnection, WeChat applet alarm, Modbous UTR /TCP adaptation, heartbeat registration package, etc.


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