Преимущества LoRa в сотовых и локальных сетях

Local area networks such as WiFi or Bluetooth are already mature technologies. There are well-established standards for this type of small wireless communication, such as WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, Zigbee and Z-Wave. But the biggest problem with many LANs/Personal Area Networks…

Влияние традиционных сотовых сетей на производительность Интернета вещей NB-IoT

Starting from the analysis of NB-IoT Internet of Things technology, it introduces the physical layer of the NB-IoT system and its coexistence with other systems, introduces the LTE system and GSM system, and analyzes the necessity of research on their…

Как работает сторожевая защита

In order to make the transmission of networking equipment such as industrial routers, DTUs, and serial servers more stable, these devices will be equipped with anti-surge, anti-static, anti-pulse and watchdog protection. Among these hardware protections, there is one that can…

3-я конференция по инновациям и развитию индустрии Интернета вещей (Чэнду, Китай) и ежегодная конференция 2020 года по индустрии Интернета вещей

On March 11, 2021, the 3rd Internet of Things Industry Innovation and Development Conference (Chengdu, China) and the 2020 Internet of Things Industry Annual Conference were held in Jingronghui, Chengdu. The theme of this conference was “Integrated Innovation Intelligent Internet…

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