Electrical control knowledge, practical algorithms for electrical control

1. 50 pieces of electrical control knowledge 1. According to the classification of uses, low-voltage electrical appliances are divided into control electrical appliances, main command electrical appliances, protective electrical appliances, distribution electrical appliances and executive electrical appliances. 2. According to…

Locating and solving the problem of low download rate in LTE network

When users use 2G and 3G networks, their main requirement for network quality is whether the quality of calls is stable. However, with the popularity of LTE network technology, many network users are more concerned about the speed of network…

Оптимизация устранения помех 802.11n Wifi

This article introduces in detail the common Wifi channel interference faults (including assisted channel interference and overlapping channel interference) in areas where APs are densely distributed. For different fault types, simulation experiments are conducted under different level environmental conditions to…

Исследование и применение микробазовых станций в сетях LTE

Based on the current LTE network construction, due to the increasing density of buildings in people’s living environment, not only will the diffraction performance of LTE high-frequency networking wireless signals deteriorate, but it will also reduce the network coverage area…

Применение технологии связи 4G в Интернете вещей

The application of the Internet of Things has greatly promoted the development of our country’s economy, especially the promotion and use of 4G network technology, which has brought opportunities for the development of the Internet of Things technology. Therefore, the…

4G communication technology concept, 4G network characteristics

4G communication technology concept The fourth generation of mobile phone mobile communications standards (4G) refers to the fourth generation of mobile communications technology. It is a broadband access and distributed network with a download speed of 100 Mbps and an…

Application of 4G communication technology in telemedicine

Application of 4G communication technology in telemedicine According to the latest information from Verizon, the largest wireless communications company in the United States, in September 2013, Michigan St. Clair Company developed an advanced telemedicine solution using the 4G LTE network…

Research on the integration of 5G and IoT in urban rail transit operation and maintenance

The Internet of Things supported by the fifth-generation mobile communication system (5G system for short) will expand its access volume and coverage, and can greatly better adapt to and meet the growing operation and maintenance needs of urban rail transit.…

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