p-iot petrochemical scenario application

Problems faced by petrochemical plants IoT applications in petrochemical scenarios generally have the following characteristics: (1) Most of them are located in urban areas, and the radio electromagnetic environment is complex, requiring high reliability of the system; (2) There are…

Применение сценария управления и охраны лесных пожаров с помощью P-IoT

In this type of scenario, the environment is generally difficult, the facilities are simple, and the manpower for inspection and monitoring is relatively insufficient. Many accidents, such as forest fires, cannot be discovered and dealt with in time. There is…

Применение сценария спасения при геологических катастрофах p-iot

Geological disaster rescue scenarios refer to extremely severe scenarios caused by geological environmental disasters that are sudden and destructive, such as earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, etc. In such scenarios, communication infrastructure is usually damaged or even destroyed, and the original communication…

Обсуждение будущих инновационных применений Интернета вещей

The Internet of Everything is the definition of the Internet of Things and the ultimate essence of Internet of Things applications. However, at present, more mature IoT applications are still concentrated on a single IoT solution, and there is still…

Analysis of which industries LoRa is suitable for

Introduction to LoRa LoRa is an ultra-long-distance, low-power IoT solution provided by Semtech. Semtech and many industry-leading companies, such as Cisco, IBM and Microchip, initiated the LoRa (Long Range, Wide Range) Alliance and are committed to promoting its alliance standard…

Application of RS232 serial port communication in microcontroller communication

Background introduction In control systems with more complex functions, the host computer is an industrial computer and the slave computer is a single-chip microcomputer. In these applications, the single-chip computer faces the bottom layer of the controlled object, and further…

Новый метод решения проблемы ограничения расстояния при передаче данных через удаленный последовательный порт RS232

background: The 35kV Weishan substation is a box-type integrated substation. The 35kV and 10kV equipment protection devices and remote control device WYD-801 are installed in the box transformer. The communication equipment room of the substation is equipped with communication equipment…

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