Считывание показаний электросчетчиков, автоматический коллектор дистанционного считывания показаний

Traditional meter reading requires the meter reader to search up and down pages of the meter. Some meters also require professional key operations to query meter data. On average, each meter requires 1 to 2 minutes of meter reading time.…

Подробное объяснение разницы между протоколами Modbus RTU и Modbus TCP

The Modbus communication protocol was invented by Modicon in 1979 and is the world’s earliest bus protocol used in industrial fields. Due to its free public release, manufacturers using the protocol do not need to pay any fees, so the…

An in-depth analysis of why the United States spares no effort to sanction Huawei

In the two years since 2018, the U.S. government’s sanctions and bans on Huawei have continued to escalate, from not allowing foreign companies to supply chips to Huawei to not allowing products containing U.S. technology to be supplied to Huawei.…

Чтобы решить проблемы с чипами, Huawei начинает строительство новой научно-исследовательской базы

As an outstanding representative of my country’s domestic technology companies, Huawei has gone global and introduced Huawei products to the market. Now Huawei has taken the initiative in the field of 5G technology development and won 5G orders from many…

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