In-depth understanding of SpringBoot’s overall architecture design concepts and goals

Source code reading tool Readers can choose familiar code reading tools based on their daily habits, such as Intellij IDEA, Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, MyEclipse, etc. Before reading the Spring Boot source code, we need to build a basic reading…

Is it all the fault of e-commerce for the closure of physical stores?

With the accelerated development of our country’s Internet technology, the lives of Chinese people have obviously become more colorful. With the rapid rise of the Internet, the e-commerce industry was born. The emergence of e-commerce has brought Chinese people into…

Маршруты продуктов на ближайшие десять лет: наступил переломный момент для гигантов чипов

2020 and 2021 will be long years for Intel. Since its establishment in 1968, Intel has been a well-deserved giant in the semiconductor world. However, it has been frustrated by its own chip production technology and has encountered unprecedented difficulties.…

Нарушив многолетнюю монополию иностранных компаний, отечественная технология высокоскоростных железнодорожных IGBT-чипов поднимается вверх

Before the video starts, let me ask you: What do you think is the most important component in an electric vehicle? Give you some options 1.Battery 2. Motor 3.Other components I visually predict that more people will choose 2, so…

Чипы, изготовленные по 5-нм техпроцессу, скоро появятся

According to the latest news reports, the current 5nm process chips are about to be released. Whether it is the Apple A14 chip, Huawei Kirin 9000 processor, or Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 chip, they will all use the 5nm process, which…

Разница между программными и аппаратными компонентами встраиваемых систем и микроконтроллеров

The difference between the two ●Software and hardware components: MCUs mostly involve some simple peripherals, such as serial ports, I2C, ADC, LCD (small screen and resolution) ●Embedded systems involve more complex peripherals, such as networks (wired network cards, wifi, Bluetooth,…

16-позиционный контроллер ввода-вывода

Product introduction: ZHC4941 is an industrial-grade 4G RTU that provides 8 DI, 8 DO, 8 AI and 1 RS485/232 interfaces. It supports local logic processing operations, automatic collection and active reporting, Modbus RTU/TCP adaptation, and automatic calibration thresholds. Reporting, configuration…

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