LPWA communication technology

LPWA communication technology 2020-06-15 16:02:38 Azir 9 Traditional wireless communication technology includes two categories: cellular mobile communication and short-range wireless communication technology. However, with the development of the Internet of Things, LPWA communication technology has emerged that is consistent with…

Detailed explanation and comparison of MQTT and CoAP protocols

In the past few years, mobile broadband has developed rapidly and has covered more than 2 billion customers. More and more people, organizations and institutions have joined the fully connected world. In the fully connected world, except for the most…

Что такое скорость передачи данных, скорость передачи данных объясняется

Anyone who has been in contact with the Internet of Things should often hear this word – baud rate. For engineers, this must be very familiar, but for students who are just beginning to understand the Internet of Things, it…

Разница между моделями разработки встраиваемых устройств и микроконтроллеров

The difference between embedded and microcontroller development models The difference between development models Single-chip microcomputer: Most of the development is bare metal, the program size is small, and most are independently developed by a single programmer. Some complex products also…

Тест 4g dtu, использование Anxin для проведения прозрачного теста передачи данных

4g dtu test, use Anxin to conduct transparent transmission test 2020-07-22 12:17:08 Azir 5 Each company’s 4G DTU configuration software on the market is different. This article takes the 4G DTU of Zongheng Intelligent Control as an example to achieve…

Введение в стандарт MODBUS по последовательным каналам связи и TCP/IP

Introduction to the MODBUS standard over serial links and TCP/IP 2020-07-28 17:55:22 Zongheng Intelligent Control 3 The standard includes MODBUS application layer protocols and service specifications used in two communication procedures: ● MODBUS on serial link MODBUS serial links depend…

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