The development of the Internet of Things industry is in full swing, and smart manufacturing has become a popular application field.

Nowadays, the interconnection of all things has become a general trend, and countries around the world have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the research and development of cutting-edge IoT technologies. With the joint efforts of scientific…

Hundreds of billions of market scale, focusing on key points in the development of smart buildings

In recent years, under the background of the rapid development of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, smart buildings are becoming an important driving force in the transformation and upgrading of the traditional construction industry.…

Internet of Things technology drives changes in the construction industry

The Internet of Things era looks set to bring significant changes to industries that are typically slow to embrace disruptive technologies. The construction industry is one such area where IoT technology has the potential to not only increase efficiency in…

Interpret the key technology applications of the Industrial Internet of Things

What is the Industrial Internet of Things? Industrial Internet of Things refers to the application of the Internet of Things in the industrial field. Specifically, the Industrial Internet of Things continuously integrates various collection or control sensors or controllers with…

Interpretation of the current development status of the Industrial Internet of Things

In recent years, the development of the Industrial Internet of Things has been in full swing, and various service providers and integrators have sprung up to compete for the market. Looking to the future, the Industrial Internet of Things is…

See how smart street lights light up the road to smart city construction

There are currently about 282 million street lights in the world, and this number is expected to reach 338.9 million by 2025. Streetlights account for about 40 percent of any city’s power budget, which equates to tens of millions of…

my country’s smart city construction enters the third wave

From 2008 to 2012, my country’s smart cities experienced the first wave, which can be called the concept introduction period. During this period, the construction of smart cities was driven by industry applications. Key technologies included wireless communications, optical fiber…

Application of Internet of Things Technology in the Electric Power Industry

The application of IoT technology in the power industry will contribute to the intelligent operation of the power grid and promote the development of the Energy Internet. Through a detailed interpretation of the application of Internet of Things technology in…

Industrial Internet of Things and smart factories under Industry 4.0

In recent years, science and technology have developed rapidly. Among them, industrial networks and mobile computing continue to influence manufacturing and industrial environments. These technologies help global manufacturers and organizations transform visions such as Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things…

Состояние применения и перспективы развития технологии Интернета вещей в логистической отрасли

The Internet of Things, as the name suggests, is the “Internet of connected things.” The definition of the Internet of Things is to connect any items to the Internet through infrared sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID), global positioning systems, laser…

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